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Character creators I used to make my character Alex since that where the idea to make him came from- a random character I made.

I had to use piccrew ones without the dirty ads showing and when that didn't work I had to click inspect to hide them.

Credit to the talented creators of these.

Also Alex is my favorite- we both have Autism so that's one reason why.

This is where he came from.(Alex uses he/him so please don't comment about they/them pronouns also Alex is amab not afab there's a reason why most of my nonbinary characters are afab and have other a nonbinary partner or a male partner the reason is because so many nonbinary characters are afab and have girlfriends looking at you Monster High and Shera.) I tried to make Alex look as accurate to how I wrote him but some of the skin and eyes didn't look right. that symbol on his button is the new Autism symbol since the old one was problematic and connected to a very ableist group who don't actually help us no matter how much they tried to make you think that they do.

Why the pin is because Alex has Autism.

To draw him or make him in a character creator like I did- he's Asian- Korean American, he has almond eyes, he has orange dyed hair, half of his head is shaven(his head isn't shaven anymore now for reasons.), he wears denim jackets with a shirt- mainly black shirt with a skull. a tattoo choker or spiked collar, eyeglasses not sunglasses, a flower crown and headphones but headphones are optional same with the flower crown, his glasses and orange hair aren't. his flags are- Nonbinary, poly ,rainbow/mlm, Neurodiversity and or the Disability pride flag.

Alex is skinny not super skinny, he has no top scars because he never had breast to begin with.

When drawing/making him in a character creator- please for the love of god don't make him look like a freaking child okay because that ableism also he's not a uwu short soft baby, he's a six ft two adult and parent also he's not a soft baby.

Alex when it comes to his gender- he knew he liked guys before he knew he wasn't a guy.

Alex is fine with being called dad/father/papa/Appa and using the men's bathroom but don't call him a boy, a son, a brother, a uncle, a nephew or a guy. he's not a guy.

Also when drawing him the flower crown is under the headphones.

The denim jacket is blue or grey not black.

Also Alex had a pointed nose- a Chinese character in a webtoon I like to read has a nose that is triangle shaped, and before the rude and hateful people ask- no he's not Jewish you anti-Semitic a-holes.

Some of these have one of his flags, some have two and some have more than two.  


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the person who made this creator game is a ace exclusivist I didn't know that when I used this for characters sorry

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the person who made this creator game is a ace exclusivist I didn't know that when I used this for characters sorry.

the person who made this creator game is a ace exclusivist I didn't know that when I used this for characters sorry

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Yes he looks soft in this one but that's just the character creator, granted Alex can be soft but also tough as nails ready for battle.

Yes he looks soft in this one but that's just the character creator, granted Alex can be soft but also tough as nails ready for battle

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I know the skin isn't the right color but I didn't want Alex to look like a white person since he's Asian.

I know the skin isn't the right color but I didn't want Alex to look like a white person since he's Asian

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