Untitled Part 40

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Not a update.

Aging in my books is weird.

A character can be thirty with a eight year old and have them in their twenties.

also most grandmothers are immortal in my books because mine weren't.

same with grandfathers for the same reason.

Number two Mika character.

Mika character will be explored more.'

Also the dead name thing I'm dropping that sorry I thought of that when I planned on Mika being Afab but I changed my mind.

Now Swampy and Alex hate Cat for being hurtful to Mika in a none dead name kind of way.

Swampy and baking-Swampy loves baking and it's almost like a special skill for them.

Swampy uses the main three pronouns but they/them is the ones they use the most and the one everyone uses for them.

The hair-Swampy's hair is curly so it looks fluffy.

Swampy hair before they dyed it was long and black.

Mika is half Mexican because it's the easiest one to write about.

Mika isn't white.

Alex- Alex is my favorite character of the three, you would think it was Swampy but nope.

Mika is important too.

Nevada name was suppose to be Nevra but I couldn't spell it.


The trio is good at saving money since a lot of their stuff is thrifted or they got it on sale.

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