Untitled Part 46

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Swampy was at work.

One of their coworkers asked Swampy why did they chose the life they chose.

"I don't drink or smoke, I don't like staying up too late if I don't have too also baking is one of biggest hobbies I was not meant to be a night owl party animal. "Said Swampy.

Someone once asked Swampy why settle for Mika and Alex when they are poly.

"I like those two they're awesome have you see Alex he's so cool also Mika is like so handsome. "Said Swampy.

Swampy likes being with Alex and Mika.

The trio doesn't want to add anyone, they like being a trouple.

Mika has been with maybe two separate  other people before he met Alex and Swampy.

One girl they dated his freshman year of high school and one guy they dating for two years.

Swampy has been with two people before- one was a girl during eighth grade and one was when the trio broke up that ended when Swampy got hurt.

Alex has only been with Swampy and Mika- Alex did go to his eighth grade dance with a guy but it ended in the guy and his friends making fun of Alex to the point that Alex was so glad to never see those guys ever again, the guy was this gay Chinese American guy who made fun of Alex for liking Pokémon and having Autism.

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