Untitled Part 37

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Time jump.

Swampy was competing in a baking competition.

They haven't competing in one since high school.

This was a group one so they asked certain people to compete.

Naruhito because he's the only person they known who could reach their level.

"I could ask Kiko if he wants to help. "Said Naruhito.

They needed one other person.

So they asked around and ended up settling for Sky.

"I'm not a talented chef but I know how to make Jewish food and Korean food. "Said Sky.

"Can you bake. "Said Swampy.

"Yes I can actually. "Said Sky.

Swampy didn't ask Alex or Mika because despite them both being good at cooking and baking, this isn't their thing it's Swampy's thing.

Alex did do a Pokémon card competition once at a anime con years ago, he won so many cards that day and a Pokémon bundle and about a hundred dollars.

He was competing with a friend of his when it happened.

Sky got sick so Morgan took his place.

They didn't ask Bong because he and Spencer are new parents who are busy.

Their twins were about to turn one so the parents have been planning since the first birthday is important since people will talk about it.

"I know how to write in icing . "Said Morgan.

"I taught him. "Said Naruhito.

"Can you bake. "Said Swampy.

"I can, also Naruhito taught me. "Said Morgan.

Swampy walked in and everyone looked.

The green haired kid in the red hoodie only now it's a button down shirt.

Some guy who looked to be maybe ten years older than him rolled his eyes when he saw him.

"So you have returned. "Said Leon.

"Who are you." Said Swampy.

"Your worst nightmare. "Said Leon.

"So you're dying alone without anyone there to say goodbye to you or are you being buried alive while rodents eat you flesh because those are my nightmares. "Said Swampy.

"No you use to beat me in these but you're going to lose today. "Said Leon.

"I don't know you. "Said Swampy.

Then Swampy said "I'm going to win my team is made up of people who know what they're doing good luck you'll need it." 

Swampy got their apron on, their hair was up in a ponytail and they got ready to go when it was time to work.

A cake was what the groups had to made.

Once it was over.

Swampy's team won.

(not because oh they're main characters, Swampy is just good at baking and cooking.)

The cake they made was a three tier cake- one section was strawberry with pink cream, one was blue berry with blue cream and one was lemon and pineapple with yellow cream.

The group won money and some blue ribbons.

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