Chapter 141 - 150

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Chapter 141 Cancelled

All of the students from the expedition had been gathered and were taken to the First Year Assembly Hall. They weren't allowed to go back to their dorms or put away their equipment. All they could do was talk to one another and speculate why the expedition had been cancelled.

Slowly a strange atmosphere started to fill the room. It wasn't normal for such a thing to happen especially so sudden like that.

"I saw some of the mechs from the city leave the shelter." A student said.

"Seriously? Why would they mobilize those things, I thought they said the highest tier of beast on the planet was an intermediate tier."

"Didn't you hear?" Another student chimed in. "A student spotted black smoke off in the distance in the desert. It seemed like it was coming from a ship."

"You don't mean—?" the student gasped.

"That's right, I heard it might have been a Dalki." The other student replied.

A head count was made, and it was made more than once. After the counting had been completed it looked like the teachers had a worried look on their face as they talked with each other.

Fay stood in front of all the first years, prepared to make the announcement but she was still waiting for all the information to arrive. A soldier came up to her side and whispered something into her ear, after which they did several more head counts.

"Are you sure?" Fay replied. "Have you checked the school, perhaps they have come back?"

The soldier nodded in response.

All Fay could do was clench her fist, the report had stated that they had found both Hugo's and Ben's body out in the desert. They were able to confirm they had died from the Dalki, however, the other three in their group were never found.

The only thing they could assume was that the Dalki had also killed them. The five of them were part of the group so it was the most logical conclusion.

"Attention!" Fay shouted. The students immediately got in line and saluted her.

Then a holographic screen appeared behind them. It was the scoreboard with all the teams' scores.

"First things first, as you may know, the expedition has been cancelled," Fay explained. "What that means for all of you, is that the points you had obtained in the first two days before the expedition ended will be your final score for this exam."

"What?!" Erin blurted out and she wasn't the only one. Right now their group still had all the winged lizard crystals they had obtained from Berg's group. They hadn't had time to head back to the shelter to have them counted.

As Erin looked at their team's position they still had the same score as before and were placed around the middle of every other group. While Berg's group still sat at the top.

"Enough, there are more important things than the test!" Fay shouted, calming down the chatter amongst students. "Right now there is a high possibility that some of your fellow students have died on this test. And worst of all it was to the threat we have all been training against, the Dalki."

The chatter started once again and this time she slammed her weapon into the ground. It caused a loud banging noise to be heard, as its vibrations bounced from the walls and echoed around the entire hall.

"The Dalki has been swiftly dealt with, and it seems like this was not a planned attack but a stray ship. This was an unfortunate event but these things happen from time to time. But this is a reminder to you all why we need to train so hard every single day, and I hope you will remember that. You will have the next two days off to rest, after that classes will return to normal, rest up for the night. You are dismissed." Fay said, ending her speech.

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