Chapter 981 - 990

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Chapter 981 – A waste of time!

Standing by the side, Kazz knew straight away that Quinn had done something. As the last time he had fought with Cindy he had done the exact same thing. When Quinn's soul weapon was active, a faint purple glow would appear around all of the shadows Quinn used.

One of the main benefits of using the soul weapon 'Shadow Overload' was the fact that Quinn could now use the shadow as he wished without the need to worry if it would run out or not. However, this wasn't the reason Quinn had decided to use it now.

The Boneclaw's teleportation speed was far faster than before. But there were more than just one benefit of using the soul weapon. Quinn's soul weapon would also improve his casting speed with the shadow when using skills, and the general movement of his shadows.

'Not that I'm going to need it, Quinn thought as he held out both of his hands, and started to create a dome of shadow over the Boneclaw. The Boneclaw would teleport out of it the same as he did last time, but seeing where it was now, Quinn would quickly summon another dome over it again, in an instant before it could react.

'It looks like my guess was correct.' Although the Boneclaw was able to teleport out of the shadow dome, it wasn't able to attack at the same time and it didn't seem to know exactly where it was teleporting to. It seemed like it would take a few seconds before it repositioned itself and noticed where Quinn was.

While in the dome, the Boneclaw was unable to see, so it couldn't focus where to place its black teleporters. The only thing it could do was look in a certain direction in the dome, and cast a portal to the other side to escape, and soon, when it was busy coming out of one of the shadows, Quinn was appearing directly behind it through his own shadow with a large hammer strike of his own.

However, the Boneclaw was fast, as it managed to create a large portal the same size as Quinn in front of him, and sinking through it, Quinn was redirected to another place, causing his hammer strike to strike one of the buildings in the inner castle area nearby.

A loud bang was heard as his fist went through a building wall, and a couple of the ones behind it crumbled to the floor. Still, Quinn wasn't worried. Compared to last time, he had more MC points to play with. What he didn't realise was although Shadow Overload allowed him to use the shadow as much as he wished, he could still only control only slightly more than his MC points allowed at one time.

With his MC points above a thousand, Quinn was able to control a larger amount of shadow. Having created several domes, he was still able to protect himself using the shadow.

"So you seem to be quite the quick thinker, but I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve!' Quinn shouted as he fired out a blood bullet into one of his shadows in front of him, and it appeared behind the Boneclaw, going through its forearm.

This was a skill that was too quick for the Boneclaw to react to, and when it turned around, it could see several circle shadows floating in the entire area. Quinn had spread them around, hovering as if they were land mines all over the field.

"I think I've got the hang of how far you can teleport at once. Try teleporting somewhere, and you'll run into any of these," Quinn said, as he activated a disk with a razor edge, covered in the shadow.

'If I throw it into any of these shadows, I can redirect it to try to follow the Boneclaw, and I can also throw blood swipes and even escape through them as well.'

In a way, Quinn was using the shadows as a better version of the teleporting skill that the Boneclaw could use. Quinn was able to go through one shadow, and appear out of any of the shadows hovering about at any time.

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