Chapter 311 - 320

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Chapter 311 A time limi

"Fex...Fex...Fex! Can you hear me... Hello?" Quinn said, waving his hand in front of Fex's eyes.

Snapping out of his daze, Fex soon realised where he was.

"Oh, sorry, I was just thinking about how amazing Logan was." He replied.

Quinn had called out Fex's several times, and the others had even left the area where they were watching the main event from. They soon realized that Fex's eyes were still glued to the arena floor. They were about to grab some snacks, yet for some reason, he hadn't followed.

"Hey, seriously, if something's on your mind, you can tell us. You know that right?" Quinn said. "I still remember what you said when we were underground on that planet. We're now blood brothers, right?"

Hearing this from Quinn was meant to cheer him up, but instead, it seemed like it had only made him sadder.

Before Fex had arrived and joined the others, he had a very uncomfortable confrontation with the last person he wanted to see. It was his sister, Silver. He knew that his family would send someone after him. Perhaps even multiple people, but he had never expected them to send over Silver.

His sister was known for upholding the vampire laws no matter what. She was strict and always completed the tasks given to her. The complete opposite of Fex. If it was anyone else, Fex felt like he could have probably convinced them to let him stay. Or even run away, but not from Silver. She was far too powerful and would have never let him stay.

On the platform where the two had seen each other, she slowly walked towards him, and he was frozen in place. Suddenly, thoughts of the others he had met during his time came into his mind, especially Quinn. If he was going to leave, he wanted the chance to at least say goodbye.

When she finally reached where Fex was, she handed him the small silver flask. "This is yours, right?" Silver said. "I found it with a bald-headed teacher. The person seemed quite strong. I thought you might have been dead."

Fex looked at the flask, and knowing that the other one he had was still with Quinn, he knew this had to be his.

"Oh, it is mine, I thought I had lost it."

"You fool!" Silver snapped. "You know how important items like this are. If the family were to find out, then who knows what they would do to you. You've already broken so many rules, don't go around breaking more making your punishment worse."

Fex didn't know what to say. It was hard to argue back, and he just stood there looking defeated.

When Silver saw the sad look in his eyes, a slight pain was felt in her chest. It was true, Silver did care for the vampire rules above everything else. She always completed her mission and was strict on everyone around her. However, Fex didn't realize that she had a soft spot for one person in particular, and that was her little brother.

"I'm here to take you back." She said.

He looked up at her, now with even more sadness in his eyes. He had spent only a couple of months on earth. His dream place and had only spent it at a school. The event was the first time he felt like he was actually doing something different. Playing games and joking around with the others.

"I know, let's just go." He said.

Plodding his feat along as if they weighed a hundred kilos, he walked slowly towards her.

"I still have some unfinished business here, and I can't just take you or leave in the middle of my duty as a teacher. If I was to leave now without telling them I was resigning, they would find it suspicious. I shall inform them after the event is over. You may stay until then. Also during that time, you must clear the memory of those you have gotten close to. We shall alter your files and deal with your disappearance on our end." She explained.

My Vampire System 1 - 1000Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz