Chapter 1101 - 1120

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Chapter 1101 – The passive effect

Quinn was excited to find out what the crystals he had gathered could be turned into. Especially since he had managed to procure two extra crystals from the Graylash family. Before he had been worried he might have to deliberate over two Demi-god crystals, or one Demon tier depending on what they could be used for but now he could keep both.

With the new armour set, Quinn was hoping that at least one of the Demi-god tier crystals could be turned into a new pair of gauntlets for himself.​​

"As usual, I guess you could say I have some good news and some bad news for you to choose from. Although this time, I think you could say it's all good news." Alex said, even confusing himself with his own words.

"In the case of the Demi-god tier crystals you left me, they're both suited to be made into gauntlets. If I use both, we won't even need to use the energy from any other lesser grade crystals to power them. These will be the top end of the line of Demi-god tier crystals!" Alex explained with great detail and a smug smile on his face.

"Of course, I can't tell you what their active skill will be, or what the equipment will be like until I actually make them."

Quinn was certain whatever it would be as long as Alex made it, it would end up beneficial. Ever since his last pair of gauntlets had broken he had been using the Advanced tier gauntlets. As such, he was looking forward to using gauntlets made by such high tier crystals.

Quinn then pulled out the other two crystals from his system and handed them over to Alex.

"Please check these crystals as well and see if they could be useful to make something even better." Quinn requested, yet after just a glance, Alex started to shake his head.

"Andrew has taught me a lot, so I can already tell you that these crystals don't have the same quality as the ones I planned on using. I would have to check further to see what they could be made into, but I think it would be better to make the gauntlets out of just the Demi-god tier crystals." Alex shared his professional opinion.

Placing them back into his system, that was a good enough answer for Quinn.

"Now, I'm sure you're wondering about the Demon tier crystal, and unfortunately here is the bad news. I can't give you much information, other than it can be turned into an accessory item. It's up to you, whether you want me to make it into a specific form, or I could just trust in my forger instincts while hammering it down to craft the crystal." Alex offered Quinn a choice.

Quinn didn't know if Alex was being serious about the 'forger instincts', or if he was just saying to leave it up to him if he didn't have anything in particular he was looking for.

'An accessory item? It will add to my overall equipment I have on me without having to replace anything, so in a way that could be a good thing, and accessory items tend to have an active skill ninety percent of the time. If that's the case, it could very well be a great active skill.' Quinn pondered over his choice.

"In that case, I shall leave it up to you. I am fine with anything as long as it won't be another mask since I already have one. Also, I was hoping you could use this." Quinn pulled out a special type of crystal. It was shiny and had a silver colour, but it wasn't clear like a regular beast crystal. It was the upgrade crystal Quinn had received from completing the quest.

"Remember when I asked you about crystals being able to upgrade equipment? Well that's one of them. Feel free to study it as you wish." Quinn explained.

Alex's eyes nearly grew twice the size as he stared down at the crystal in amazement.

"I can't believe something like this is actually real! How can you just hand me something so valuable like it's nothing? Do you know how much this could change things? Where did you get this from?" Alex bombarded Quinn with a load of questions, not containing his excitement in the least.

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