Chapter 821 - 830

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Chapter 821 The second castle

Once the little spat between the two girls was over, Peter decided to sit there silently. Honestly, he didn't think he had the energy to scream, the pain from his severed arm was disappearing and he was wondering if it was because he was getting closer to death.

'Wait, aren't I undead anyway? I guess I'll just become an unmoving corpse then.'

Finally, the Second vampire leader Cindy started to walk over to the two of them.

"Now lets see what we have over here." Cindy said, she walked past Peter and was taking a look at Layla first. She just looked around her body noticing that there were no marks or scars, and even the wound on her stomach had healed up but there was a scar left over it.

"Strange, she seems fine, and her wounds have healed to a certain point but now it looks like they have stopped, and she's showing no sign of waking up." Cindy said speaking to herself, well aware that Peter was in the room. Still looking at Layla on the bed, she moved her fringe to the side revealing the two small bumps on her head.

"A Hannaya, so rare." She said with her eyes glowing. "It's a shame that someone so special like you fell into the hands of the Tenth."

She continued to look at Layla for a while now, not doing much other than inspecting the horns on her forehead and eventually this had frustrated Peter to the point where he needed to say something.

"Hey lady, not to say my friend doesn't need help or anything, but I think I'm the one that's dying." Peter said, his face covered in sweat. "Maybe I'm the one you should look at first?"

Moving from the side of the bed, Cindy walked over to where Peter was.

"Finally, I can get my ar-"

Trying to finish his sentence, it was interrupted as he felt something hard go against his mouth, busting his lip and jolting his head. Soon his whole body was following along as he went crashing and tumbling into the beds.

"I know you are new to all of this, but there is a certain level of respect that needs to be met when speaking to a leader. We spent years rising to this position and to finally get it, I will not be spoken down to by an undead like yourself. You are lucky I am even bothering to treat you."

Turning around, she didn't bother to check on Peter's condition. She couldn't care less if he died, she would simply say he didn't arrive in time and blame it on Kazz for delaying them. Instead she went back to Layla.

Thankfully, Peter was still alive as she had only slapped him. Lying on the floor with parts of one of the beds on top of him, he tried to get up but simply had no energy. Attempting to lift up his head, he quickly failed and passed out.


Opening her eyes slowly, Layla was greeted with a ceiling filled with strange markings she didn't recognise. It was covered in engravings that looked like they belonged to a century she had only seen in history books.

'Where am I?' She thought, as the last thing she could remember was activating her skill trying to save her mothers life. Beyond that she had no clue what had happened after.

Turning to her side, she could see Peter there in his bed, with his arm attached and bandaged up, she was happy there was at least one familiar person with her in the room.

"You're finally awake." Peter said. "Good thing that woman isn't here, I imagine she would be jumping all over you right now."

Looking underneath her sheets, Layla realised that her clothes had changed from what she last remembered wearing, and now she was wearing casual gothic clothing that the vampires often wore, and her bow was nowhere to be seen either.

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