Chapter 291 - 300

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Chapter 291 Finding Bloodevolver

Right now, Quinn would do anything to rip the black sack off his head, and the problem was he really could do it. He was a hundred percent conscious of what was happening around him. The main reason for this was to see the color of the portal.

If it were a white portal, it would indicate they were traveling somewhere on earth. If it were a colored portal, he would know they were going to a different planet. Military base One was different from the other military bases.

It was where the current government would reside, hiding behind the most skilled personnel. It was also where the leaders would gather and was the only base that didn't have a school campus.

The place and locations of all military bases were kept secret to the students during their time at the academy. This was to stop information from being leaked outside. This included the smaller factions on the outside world that didn't quite agree with the military's doing.

This is why Quinn thought it would make sense for the main military base to perhaps not to be situated on earth. However, he wasn't able to find out, or at least, not today. Because before he could think of any way, his body was lifted and chucked into the portal to the destination on the other side.


Over at one of the other military bases, a school was also getting prepared to send all their students to military base One. Nate was at his desk, sitting down, staring blankly at the pieces of paper lying in front of him, while the other students were busy packing away their things and getting ready for the Tournament.

"You are still looking at that thing!?" Sam said in shock as he came over and placed his bag on the desk and sat nearby Nate. "We are going to depart any second now, and you still haven't even packed your things. Get up already!"

"I know, I know," Nate replied, "But I think I might have found the person we were looking for."

"You mean the Blood Evolver? I'm not saying he isn't in the Tournament, but I do doubt your slow brain, which is good only at fighting, was able to figure out something like that. Go on then, tell me how did you reach your conclusion?"

Nate then lifted the sheet of paper that he had been staring at all this time. The paper showed a long list that contained all the names of students who would be taking part in the Inter Base Tournament.

Seeing the paper's contents, Sam's eyes widened in shock, and he quickly moved his hands to put the papers down on the desk, grabbed his bag, and placed it over the list of names. "Are you damn crazy?" Sam whispered, "How did you even get the list of names of all the participants."

"It seems like fate wanted me to find them, Sam. When I came into the classroom yesterday night, it was on the teacher's desk. Somebody must have misplaced it."

Slapping his hand against his forehead, Sam was starting to wonder how Nate had ever made it this far in life. Although, this side of him was why the two of them were good friends and got along in the first place.

"That doesn't mean you can just take it for yourself. Oh well, too late now, as long as we return it, it should be okay and may save us from all the trouble we are going to face," said Sam.

"Anyway, after finding the list of names, I started to do some research. I contacted students from the other schools inquiring about each of the participants in the fighting tournament. The main thing I was looking for was a student that fought with gauntlets.

"Afterall, there aren't many students who chose to do battle with such a close-ranged weapon. Not only that but based on the information we have, we know he is a first-year student. This narrows down our suspects even more. After asking around, it seems like there is only one student who fits the bill. He goes by the name of Larry Star. This person is our Blood Evolver. He has to be. No... I'm sure of it, I can feel it in my gut."

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