Chapter 641 - 650

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Chapter 641 A lost boy

Slowly opening his eyes, a familiar white light was blinding him. He thought it was a regular day. It would be time to find out any information he could, or perhaps look at some gadgets that his parents had been tinkering with before. Only this time when his eyes opened, he was welcomed by an unfamiliar voice.

"You seem to have had quite the nasty fall", Brock said.

Logan was startled by the sudden voice and tried to get up, but quickly realised he was strapped into a strange chair. Any regular straps would have probably been able to hold him, but they felt like they were designed to hold someone of Quinn's calibre.

"Don't worry, we patched you up as best we could." Brock continued to say. "We have top of the line medical equipment here for an island in the middle of nowhere. The question is, how did a child like yourself come to know or arrive on an unknown island?"

Looking around Logan was trying to get his bearings, the room had a mixture of old architecture mixed in with modern medical equipment. The walls were exposed brick and had paintings hanging on them, it didn't resemble a traditional medical room, but the equipment really was top of the line like the man had said.

If he was to take a guess, someone had found him when he had crash-landed and made all that noise. He would have been more confused if someone didn't come to him after all of that. So perhaps he was in the castle in a makeshift medical facility. If he really wanted to, he could use his lite spiders to try break free, or hack into the computer system to release the restraints, but he wouldn't know where to go from there.

If he was in the enemy's territory and still with no clue whether Vorden was there or not, it was a huge risk.

"It was an unplanned accident," Logan replied. "I recently got my hands on a new underwater travelling device and decided to explore the vast sea. However, it got interrupted when we were met with a large beast. It had flung me up in the air and had destroyed the device.

"I thank you for helping me, but I have no clue where exactly I am at the moment."

Brock looked at him carefully wondering if he was telling the truth or not, after a few seconds it seemed like he had made a decision.

"I'm sorry," Brock said. "For someone so young, I have had to make this decision. No one is to know of this island unless sir Hilston wishes it. If you had an ability that was useful, then maybe you could have become a Chained, but I don't understand your ability, which makes you a threat."

Brock's hand started to reach for Logan's throat. He tried moving from the chair in hopes of doing something, anything.

'Is this man trying to strangle me with his bare hands? How barbaric.' Logan thought.

There was only one thing he could do. Releasing the spiders from part of his thin suit, he was able to control the machine and release the restraints. He quickly rolled off from the seat and held his hands up.

"Wait, Wait!" Logan shouted. "I'm from the Green family. Surely you have heard of me. I can definitely be of some use to you. Maybe you don't understand my ability, but I assure you it's a strong one. One that allowed the Green family to get in the position that they did."

This did cause Brock to pause. Of course, he had heard of the Green family. It was one of the recommendations for the Blades to get over on their side many times by Pam, who said that he would be a great asset to have.

But Hilston always disregarded them and chose not to get involved with the family for two reasons. The first, they had never antagonised or wished to do the Blades harm in any way unlike the other big families, even in the past.

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