Chapter 351 - 360

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Chapter 351 Testing and chosing an ability

With a single click, from the computer, a hologram displayed all the information about the sub class known as "Hannya" to the group. They were all currently inside Logan's room.

When asked what Layla was, Quinn found it hard to answer without making himself seem suspicious. He didn't know a lot about vampires in the first place, and all his knowledge before could be said that it came from Fex.

The only person that knew about the System and some of the system skills was Logan. The suggestion had been made that perhaps they could find something online. So as they planned to head to Logan's room to do some research, Quinn told him beforehand what Layla really was.

"Based on the algorithm taken from the photos of Layla's face, it seems like my genius AI system was able to come up with something. The AI cross references and matches the details with folklore tales related to vampires in one way or another," Logan said as he gave a quick wink to Quinn while nobody was paying attention to him.

Layla and the others begin to read the information shown. What was written out was precisely the same as what had been displayed from Quinn's System.

"Emotional? Me?" Layla said suddenly, but she realized that she was just letting what the screen said now prove her wrong. So correcting herself, she tried her best to hold everything in. She cleared her throat and started again. "Okay, say I am this Hannya demon thing; the only thing I don't really understand is the feeding off negative emotions part."

"If I was to take a guess," Vorden said. "I would say it's one of two things. Just as Quinn gets pleasure from blood, you might be able to feed off the aura of negative or sad people. Or there is the second option, you feed by making people negative."

The others didn't say anything, but they felt like Vorden was spot on with his deduction. That line could only be interpreted like that, and they just hoped it wasn't the second one. However, the first part might prove difficult as well. Where were they meant to find negative people? Would they have to go around the school looking for someone who had just broken up? Or perhaps start calling people names.

"Don't worry too much about this." The System said to Quinn, seeing his concern. "Remember what I said about category C? Unlike ghouls or vampires who need blood or flesh to survive, the Hannya don't need negative emotions to live; this is just what powers them and allows them to evolve eventually."

That was another thing that Quinn worried about, evolving. He remembered that there was also a chance that Peter could have evolved into the Wendigo. Perhaps what Layla would evolve into wasn't exactly a good thing.

"So do you know if they feed on negative emotions or feed by creating negative emotions?" Quinn asked.

"Ha, ha, this was why I didn't want to butt in, but I felt the need to. I don't remember." The System replied.

'Useless as always.' Quinn thought.

"So based on the information, unlike Quinn and Peter, you won't have abnormal strength or speed," Logan explained. "But instead magical abilities, perhaps in a way similar to Quinn's blood abilities. What about your ability from before? Can you still use that?" Logan asked.

She shook her head in response.

"No, I already tried on the way over here, it's completely gone, but it was expected." She replied.

"Well, have you thought about what ability you do want?" Vorden asked. "Now's the time for a fresh new leaf; we don't know if telekinesis is compatible with vampires or not, but even so, if you really want to, you could choose a completely new ability."

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