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3rd pov

"Here my treat can you guys give your orders I already know your order pretty Boy lemonade smoothie with a hit on lime and mint". They all sat down at a table y/n started asking for the order and went to order them.

"So how are y/n so close"? Alya asked questioned.

"Oh me and y/n my dad hired her as my bodyguard and we bounded since we spend a lot of time together". He said.

"That's cool what do you know about y/n". They both begin to glance at Y/n who is talking to Chasier.

"Well actually I dont know much about her she doesn't like talking about her past". He said.

"Hmm"? She questioned.

"She is nice and she is pretty". He stared at her with amazement.She began laughing and playfully winked at the cashier.

"Come on Peter a girl can pay for me plus I'm ordering for other people but I'll leave you a tip just for being cute". Adrien saw this and anger bubbled up inside him.

"So marinette do you have anything to say to Adrien"? The subject was moved to Marientte and she pointed at herself and started to stumble and could barely talk till Alya started to talk for Marientte.

"Mariette and I were at the park and saw you and wanted to take for smoothies it was her idea wasn't it"? She looked back at Marinette for a response but she was following up with scents that didn't make sense. Till Marientte built up the courage to say something but was interrupted by y/n bringing back the smoothies.

"Hey, sorry guys I took so long I was catching up with a friend". She placed the smoothies on the table sat next to Adrien and handed him his smoothie.

"Hey, y/n who was that"? Adrien asked with an slightly jealous tone.

"Oh, that Peter I meet him on my way back to our house-". As those words slipped from her mouth both Alya and Marinette freaked out.

"HOLD ON you two live together". They screamed we both looked at them confused then realized what they thought.

"Oh no no my job came with living there which I dont mind I was looking for somewhere to live anyways". I said.

"But- but- you guys live together..."? Marrinet said in a sad tone.

"Yeah we do it easier for me and my job I was honestly lucky the position was open and I was qualified to get the job". They looked at me curiously.

"Why were you looking for a job so bad"? She froze for a second and looked uneasy. Adrien noticed this and tried to change the subject.

"Hey these smoothies are good what flavor did you guys get"? He asked.

"Oh I got a cherry blast and Mari got blueberry and strawberry". Alya said.

"Ooh those look so good I got mango and pineapple would guys like a taste"! Y/n asked while drinking her smoothie.

"Hey, cool accent where are you from y/n". Y/n started to fumble with her necklace.

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