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1054 words (shorter chapter)

i found myself giving this mystery boy longing glances on accident throughout the whole show. of course he's seen every single glance i take because he's supposed to be watching me.

he takes his phone out to film beetlebum. i feel like i've somewhat succeeded at impressing him if he wants a video of our band playing. of me singing. but then again, he probably had to take a video for his mom or his story or something i don't know. i don't feel accomplished enough.

i finish beetlebum and move on to blue jeans. after blue jeans is the grand finale with tolkien. he better not fuck this up because i need this redhead to smile at me atleast once before the nights over. this sounds so gay.

he and the girls he came with took a few pictures and before you know it, blue jeans is over. i see bebe whisper somethjng to him while looking at me. he laughs and responds to her. are they talking about me? this shouldn't concern me. i'm the lead singer of a band of course they're talking about me. why does it matter? how is this redhead i found different from any other red head in the crowd?

"ok so since this next song is the last one, we have a special guest preforming alongside us." i announce to everyone after catching my breath. i have asthma and yelling in a microphone isn't helping it. luckily blur doesn't have a whole ton of crazy vocals that i have to sell my soul for.

i look behind me and give jimmy his cue to drum roll for tolkien.

tolkien comes out and everyone cheers yada yada and i see wendy and her friends on the other side of the audience from bebe, the red head, and the other girl.

nichole's waving and blowing kisses to tolkien. yucky.

this is the moment i realize tolkien's popular. it's not fair man. he's a music nerd and he's popular AND athletic. sure, it might seem like i'm popular up stage right now, but as soon as schools in, nobody looks at me. maybe a few girls but who cares about girls.

anywho, kenny starts off popscene with the bass  and gets everyone's attention. then after 25 measures, tolkien hits the note. he hits all of them. thank god. this could've ended horribly if he missed one. i look at the red head and his phones out and he's not scowling. i actually can't see his face because it's covered in his phone.

and after 4 and a half long minutes, the songs finally over. this song was more of a strain on the vocals.

everyone cheers for tolkien and the band and people finally start clearing out. some people brought alcohol, some didn't. i wanna find that redhead before he leaves. i don't know what i'll say to him. maybe i'll give him my number?? will thag be weird?? i've seen a lot of things online about people talking to their fans ever since the colleen ballinger apology came out. am i abusing my position by giving him my number?? i don't know but i'll figure it out on the way because he could be leaving right now.

i hop off the stage because it's big but not that big, and i aimlessly look for coily red hair.

i hear kenny and butters calling for me but i ignore them. i'll deal with them after this kid has my number.

i hear other people wanting to come up to me but i ignore them and squeeze through the little hoard of people by the stage. a good 75% of them being drunk or atleast tipsy. who knows where they got the alcohol from i just need to find the red head.

then, i see bouncy red curls next to a head of golden ones and recognize them as red head and bebe.

i panic because i don't know his name and try to run as fast as i can pushing past people.

"REDHEAD!!" nothing.

"BEBE!!" bebe whips her head around and sees me losing my breath a few feet away from her.

"hey stan! amazing show! me and my friends loved it didn't we?" she says, nudging the redhead in the side. "yeah that's great. can i borrow your friend for a sec?" i ask her and motion of him to follow me. it's embarassinf asking him for his number in front of them. what if he's not single?? oh god i didnt even think of that! i mean i wouldnt be surprised, but it would be heartbreaking. him being straight isn't even an option here. i can smell his perfume and i can see his lipgloss now that i'm up close. now that i'm not on stage, he's really tall. like 6'2 in junior year tall.

"umm.. hi!" i say after finally finding the words to say and  catching my breath. "..hi?" he says awkwardly fidgeting with the hair tie on his wrist. "uh i'm stan- but i mean- i guess you already knew that. umm i was wondering i could get your number..?" he looks at me weird. did i say something wrong? oh! i forgot to ask nicely. "oh! please." i add. phew. that was a close one guys. "huh?" he either didn't hear me or he doesn't understand what i'm saying. "no..hablo inglis??" i don't know anything about spanish but hopefully that's not what he speaks. "is that why you where starring at me??" he asks, catching me off guard. i mean i know he saw me but i didnt  know he'd bring it up. "uhh" i don't really know how to respond to thag?? yes i'm in love with you?? kiss me?? "i'm kidding. give me your phone i'll put it in."

i almost immediately hand him my phone and he types his number in. he sets the contact name to 'kyle'. kyle. his name is kyle. that's such a basic ass name but it's somehow suiting for him. we both jolt our heads when we hear bebe whistle at us. "ah! i gotta get home! i'll see you around, stan!" he says running over to bebe and the other girl.

he said my name.

just that thought alone is enough to send me into orbit.

hope you like this book so far bc i'm proud 🔥🔥

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