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767 words (short kinda boring stan chapter but i tried nonetheless)

as i suspected, my dads music is indeed louder than my thoughts.

we went to pick up kenny with country music making the car shake. kenny's dad opened the window to yell at him.


"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE IT BABE!!" he shouts back, blowing him a kiss and speeding away.

"sorry for the loud music!!" i shout to kenny in the backseat.

"HUH??" he shouts back. i wave my hand at him, dismissing the whole thing.

we pull up to butters house and his mom waves to us in the car. then butters comes out and sits next to kenny in the back.

eventually, after driving onto the curb a few times, we make it to jimmys house.

"what time should i pick you boys up??" my dad asks. "i'll text you." i tell him. and with that, he drives away.

we set up in jimmys basement where he's already waiting for us with his drum set.

"h-hey fellas!" he greets us. "i thought you needed help getting your things down here?" kenny asks. "nah my dad h-helped me. that was o-one of my misch-mischevious schemes." he says smiling at us.

i cant help but think about what kyles doing right now. i dir down on jimmys couch and open our messages again. he told me he was gonna study a half hour ago. i wonder if he's still studying.

"ooh are you still texting th-that chick from the sh-show friday?" jimmy asks, smirking and raising  one eyebrow trying to be funny.

"yeah man you totally ditched us for bebe stevens. what the hell??" kenny adds.

"i did not!" i defend myself.

"did to!" he yells back.

"i thought you where going after the brown haired girl! she was kind of hot!" butters butts in.

kenny and jimmy stare at him.

"no." jimmy says.

"you know who heidi turner is right?" kenny asks butters.

"that  was HEIDI TURNER??" me and butters say at the same time.

"like cartmans ex heidi turner??" i ask him.

"yeah man she came with kyle broflovski and bebe stevens." kenny responds like i was supposed to know all this. i didn't know who kyle was until the show. i didnt even know he went to our school.

"erm anyways. i was NOT looking at heidi. or bebe." i add, making everything about me again xoxo!!

"n-no offense stan, but i think that red head was a guy." jimmy tells me. im speechless. i didnt even realize!! that's crazy!! kenny literally JUST said his name was kyle broflovski.

"that's crazy." i say sarcastically, grabbing the sides of my head and dropping my jaw.

"crazy? i was crazy once. they locked me in a room. a rubber room with rats. rats make me crazy. crazy? i was crazy once. they lo-" kenny was interupted by jimmy throwing a drumstick at his head.

"but anyway as i was saying, i got his number which is why i ran off after the show. we made a playlist together and his music taste is so cool. he really likes indie music but he also likes the cure and the smiths-" "well that's amazing stan! i really don't care!!" kennt interuppted me.

"stop. and the way he talks to me, he makes it seem like we've always known eachother even though i just learned his last name. do you think we would actually start dating??" i ask no one in particular. butters and kenny are tuning their guitars while jimmys scrolling on his phone.

i take this as an opprotunity to keep going for anyone who cares enough to listen.

"his music taste is so cool. i know i mainly like rock but some of the random indie pop songs he's added are actually really cool. should i ask him out on a date? i can take him to the music store where they have records? we get a ton of money from concerts i can just buy him a record player if he doesn't have one. afterwards we can go get something to eat and maybe if i'm lucky we'll end up holding hands or something."

"uuuh.. stan?" butters mutters. (hehehahaha)

"maybe when i drop him off by his fort he'll kiss me goodnight like they do in the disney movies."

"staaan.." he trails.

"maybe he's a disney princess. he kinda looks like the one with red hair if she was russian."

"stan!" butters snaps.

"huh!" i yelp. butters yelling isn't really scary it just caught me off guard.

"we're ready to start." kenny elaborates.

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