twenty two

55 2 13

2111 words

(p.s. half of this chapter can get a little confusing, and there's a third person pov, i fucjing hate writing in third person but it'll have to do. if you have any questions regarding this chapter, ask at the end pls.
(slight content warning for minor implications of ctting ) )

after rehearsal, we packed up kyle's keyboard and i drove him to his house. i helped him unload and bring it up to his room, and when we came back downstairs to his kitchen, i was greeted by none other than my father himself.

"oh my goodness! stan! what are you doing here?!?!?! this is such a crazy coincidence that we are both in the broflovski household. a sign from the stars, truly."

"what the fart do you want."

"ok so do you remember on your birthday, when we had a little heart to heart and i gave you my old band shirt?"

"vaguely." that's a lie. i've been too scared to wear that shirt because i don't want my dad going around and thinking i'm a fan of him or something.

"well, the old band is back together!" gerald butts in.

i turn to look at kyle who's already looking at me.

"and?" he asks.

"alright kyle, just because your in some cool band now and your suddenly a dick magnet doesn't give you the right to give me or randy sass. straighten up, son. but not like that."

kyle throws his hands up in disbelief and my dad follows up on what he was saying before.

"anyways, the infamous band, G.R.S.S after conferring with one another, have all agreed that crimson dawn should totally do a collaboration, and we could make huge money. what do you say?" my dad proposes.

after a second of trying to image performing with my DAD onstage, a thought hits me.


"uhh to make a shit ton of money?"

"are you sure this isn't for your own personal gain? you don't want to pretend your the hot shots of south park high for one night?" it makes sense. they're all old now so it's not like anyone will show up, unless they really were that big of a deal.

"pshh!! stan! this is so serious! how could you even say something like that?"

"why do WE have to be there?" kyle adds.

"because, son.. you have access to the stage and everything.." gerald trails off.

"don't tell me this is so that all the highschool girls will show up."

"no, girl that's not,, whatever. you think we want to perform with some pizza faced whimpy highschoolers? if we had another option we would use it." my dad says.

"we should probably consult the other gang members before we make our decision." kyle tells me. he brings a good argument to the table. we probably shouldn't be agreeing to anything like this without consulting the other gang members first.

if someone else in the band told me we were preforming a huge concert without telling me i would be pretty pissed.

i grabbed my dad and we headed on home, where he was whining like a little bitch to me, trying to persuade me to play with them. i just gave him the same answer over and over again, i would talk to the rest of the guys.

dinner had a thick atmosphere. i don't think my dads gonna talk to me until i give him the ok to play at stary night.

after dinner, i texted the band.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16 ⏰

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