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2275 words

i got home from dropping stan off at his house to sit down at the dinner table.

it's almost a little too quiet for the only sounds being made it the forks stabbing into the food on our plates.

"he seems nice." my dad finally says. "he is." i answer.

"what's his name?" my dad asks me. i'm almost scared he's implying what i think he's implying but i'll let it slide. "stan. he's the singer in the band i told you i was gonna see." he nods, almost impressed. he better not seriously be implying what i think he's implying.

"speaking of bands, i showed him my keyboard and he thinks i should join." i announce just to start up some conversation. my mom stops eating immediately. Ike is completely indifferent, and he has his headphones in. "oh that's great kyle!" my dad says without looking up from his food.

"i told him no because i have to focus on school." i add disappointingly. my mom pats me on the shoulder and says "that's right. we all know education is our number one priority, right gerald?" and with that my dad finally looks at her. "well, i think being in a band would help kyle! i was in a band in highschool and i balanced it out with my grades, and now look at me! i'm a lawyer with a wonderful family and a beautiful wife!" he tries to persuade her. she doesn't look convinced. her arms are crossed and she's looking at him, waiting for another good reason.

"kyle, i think you should join! no offense, but you almost never bring around any friends. maybe you can come out of your shell a little? we've seen you play keyboard and we know you really like it. why not embrace that?" my dad tells us. i didn't know he had it in him to stand up to my mom like that.

"first off, what's this boys name? if you're gonna spend most of your time with him, i want his mothers number, and i want to properly be introduced. stan seems like a nice boy, but i need to know these things. you know how i am." she gives in. it hit me for a moment that now that i have moth my parents permission, i might actually be able to play for the public!

"wait- really? like your serious? i can actually preform on a stage in front of people?" i'm in shock that my mom would even take in this information.

"we'll wait what kind of people?" she becomes worried, thinking of hookers and druggies.

"well, yk, local people. hardly anyone outside south park comes to the concerts." when i tell her this, she put a hand over her chest in relief.

"his name is stan marsh by the way." i add.

"wait- marsh? like is his dads name randy?" my dad butts in. he glances at my mom quickly. "the marshes? i haven't heard from them since high school! like sharon and randy? did they get married?" my mom becomes excited.

"uhh i'll ask him what his parents names are."

"oh kyle this is excellent! we have to have them over for dinner this weekend! ask stan if his family's free!" i've never seen my mom so eager to meet my friends family before.

after dinner, i went upstairs and opened my texts with stan.

kyle: this might sound weird but what are your parents names?

stan: sharon and randy, why?

kyle: i think their friends with my parents man.

stan: uh oh

kyle: they want you guys over for dinner and everything.

stan: ruh roh

stan: my parents are so embarassing oh my gos

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