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Today was the last day we got to rehearse and I wasn't nervous about it one bit because I was more comfortable around her now. Dua hadn't mentioned anything about yesterday but I could read her body language towards me wanting to ask about it. She wasn't showing any signs of anger, I think she realized what I realized when I saw her and Robbie together and that maybe whatever this is ,the best we can be is friends.
"We should practice in a better environment I'm tired of this place" she blurts out mid song
"Doesn't sound like a bad idea" I respond but I really don't think we should get distracted today since it's tomorrow already and all we've had is distractions
"Let's go back to the shore" she says
"The shore?" I ask
"The bloody beach it's really not that hard to determine" she says in a passive aggressive but sarcastic tone that makes me laugh
"But the sound of the waves will be too loud" I respond
"The crowd will be loud tomorrow you're telling me you won't be able to play then?" She says and gives me a curious stare, I guess she was right but why the beach it's too sunny
"Alright then let's go" I say getting up before her to show her I'm not afraid of anything. She gets up right after and we go inside
"Hey where are you guys going?" Devin asks from the couch
"We're going to rehearse at the" she says but I don't let her finish
"Beach not shore" I say and laugh
"Oh okay I don't care" he says and goes back to watching tv

Me and Dua get in the car, I still can't believe I'm letting her drive this thing, where she's from everything is in the opposite direction. After yesterday she was back sleeping in my room I guess the girl's plan worked. She was back to hugging me at night, I'm so addicted to her touch it's crazy but it was like starting all over again instead of advancing. It was supposed to be lip touching with our hand to lip touching with our lips not back to hugs. I still wasn't sure if she felt the same way though, it was like a headache with no cure.
"Y/n are you an only child?" She asks randomly.
I was an only child which is why I'm so pressured all the time to be perfect. It's lonely being the only child sometimes I wish I wasn't born, but what can you do right?
"Yea unfortunately what about you?" I ask her because I don't want to trauma dump on her
"I have two siblings a brother and sister but geez I can't imagine having to deal with my parents alone" she says
"Yea at least your parents support you being here I had to lie to be here" I tell her
" they are really supportive but sometimes I feel as if I need to do the best or everything they've dealt with was worth nothing" she says
"Is London more accepting than here then?" I respond
"Not at all really it's probably worse sometimes I'm afraid people only like my singing because of my body and looks not really for the art" she says
"I don't think that's true you're more than that especially with your voice it's something new yes but that's what we need in the world if not it's just boring I guess you can say you make things not boring" I tell her, we finally make it to the beach because she puts the car in park
"You really are something y/n" she says while staring into my eyes and I can feel it coming, her face to my face and lips to lips but then a honk is heard and it scares us away from each other. I couldn't help but think of that horn as a metaphor for something beyond than what it was. Like it was reality waking us up and telling us that it's not supposed to happen because it's not right. But why couldn't it happen? it wasn't harming anyone around us so what the hell is wrong with it. I think we could do it if we try

Now laying in the sun we begin to practice but I liked what we had in the car. I was getting to know her in there and it was soothing to know she wasn't all made of rock. I want to know more of her plus it was a win win because I also knew more things about London. My professor always said you can do bad things as long as you're learning something useful which explains why he got fired but he was right.
"Who were the boy and the girl with you yesterday?" She blurts out. Told you she was wanting to ask me but was scared
"I met them at a party the day I left angry" I tell her
"Do you truly like him?" She asks
"Do you truly like Robbie?" I ask her, she smiles and shakes her head
"You like him so much you're blushing" I tell her
"You're so clueless you know well of course you do you're American" she says and pokes my stomach. I start laughing and throw sand at her
"Hey what was that for" she says laughing
"For being mean obviously you're lucky we aren't in the water or I would have drowned you" I tell her
"Let's get in then we've practiced enough cmon" she says quickly getting up and again we have no bathing suits but we knew what to do already so we took our clothes off but our under garments.

Her shiny one of a kind abs shining up the entire place is hilarious because I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who notices this. She was fit and pretty what else can anyone wish for in life.
"Touch them" she says patting her abs and I burst out laughing but nervously laughing too
"I'm serious" she says reaching for my hand. It's always hands with us it's the only thing we can get away with.
"How does that even happen like they're rock solid" I tell her amused but she doesn't answer and I look up to see her staring behind me with a blank expression. I turn to look and it's a girl kissing another girl, it was the girl from the party again. She's still holding my hand by her stomach at this point.
We're still staring at what's going on with both girls but this guy is heading their way and he doesn't look too happy with what's going on. He grabs the girl by her arm aggressively and snatches her away from the other girls grip. He punches her in the face harashly that I turn around quickly because I'm afraid of how he could have left her
"We should leave" Dua says as she starts swimming away back to land but I stay there still, I don't know if it's because I'm shocked or just afraid. I guess it's the same thing but yea I couldn't move.
"Hurry up y/n" she screams and I finally snap out of it and begin to swim towards her but I stare back to look at the girl and her mouth is gushing out blood but she's okay other than that. This wasn't okay though she wasn't doing anything wrong and why was no one defending her? How can people just go around doing this and not getting punished for it?
"Are you okay?" Dua asks
"Yea but she isn't we should call the cops or something" I tell her
"We can't they'll just tell us to buzz off but we should go back it's not safe here" she tells me and I usually would argue about it but she's right

We're in the car and there's a not so great feeling over our heads but I know I won't admit anything and she won't either. Not now at least. It's so awkward right now because I bet we're both thinking the same thing. We don't want that happening to any of us and unfortunately I think that's why whatever we have now we won't extend it more. I guess I just wasn't normal, my parents would automatically kill me if they knew the thoughts I had of Dua, luckily no one can read our minds because imagine where I'd be right now? Conversion therapy or something that they send these kinds of people to.
"How about some ice cream to get our minds back to normal" Dua says as she turns into a diner parking lot, I just nod
We get to the register to ask for the ice cream but I still can't get a word out my mouth.
"We'll just get one then for us both" she tells me and again I just nod. I stare at the ice cream once they give it to her and I feel nauseous right away. I run into the bathroom, put my head in the toilet, and vomit. I hear Dua come in, lock it, she holds my hair back and sits behind me.
"You're going to be okay" she says rubbing my back with her hand, I tried to say thank you but more vomit continued. I felt something on my neck. At first I thought it was her hand brushing over it but it wasn't. It's her lips pressing against my neck and they were kissing it. I didn't know what to do, why here why now? While I'm vomiting? I laugh in my head but the image of the girls mouth appears in my head. We cant do this it's not right it's not normal the same thing will happen to us but I want this so bad. But I also don't want anyone to hurt us.
"Dua we can't" I say trying to fight her kisses off but I'm weak right now
"We both want this and no one is in here" she says very choppy because she's still kissing me but I turn around and push her gently off
"But we can't risk it have you seen nothing of today I don't want to end up hurt or for you to get hurt work out things with Robbie okay it's better for you" I tell her
"You don't get to decide what's better for me" she tells me
"I'm not but decide anything you want but not this. I'll perform with you and we could be good friends but that's all this could be it's not normal" I tell her and she gets up
"I'm tired of normal and I thought you were more out there more risky but you're just a coward" she tells me and exits the restroom

I sat there for the next 10 minutes just thinking. She was right I act so tough and nonchalant but I am just a coward. I act rebellious but I'm still cautious of everything I do because I think of what my parents might think of it. I may just have ruined my chance with her completely but I just can't risk it.

Half Dr Pepper and half monster on me today so I was able to write another part lol. Next part is the main conflict so it might take me a bit longer to write. Thank you for reading as always :)

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