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We both sat down on Devins grave, his dad had this fancy tombstone put up for him and I just know Devin is laughing at it. I think it's pointless for people to make such a big deal for a tombstone because the person is already gone. Of course I wondered if Devin went to heaven or not but is any of that even real? I just hope he's okay wherever he went or disappeared too.
"He was your bestfriend?" The girl asks
"Yup you knew him?" I ask her
"Yea I met him at a festival a long time ago hes one of the few people who know I'm you know" she says
"He knows you're into girls? I whisper
"Yea he was totally fine with it was he not fine with you?" She asks
"He outed me to his dad but he was apparently in love with me so he was angry" I tell her looking down at my hands starting to remember Dua and how maybe she was right about Devin.
"It's understandable but a shit thing to do to someone" she tells me, maybe I was too hard on Dua
"The girl you saw and asked if that was the girl I wanted, is in a relationship with me now and she hated the fact that I came to see him because it's way harder now" I respond
"I understand her but I mean he is your bestfriend" she says taking out a sandwich bag that reaked like weed, she takes a bud out and puts it towards my face, I nod and take it
"Yea she apologized but I can tell it wasn't genuine but she went on a date with his dad to cover us up" I tell her as I take a hit
"She's basically fighting for you in a way because she's doing something she doesn't enjoy just to be with you" she says taking the blunt from me. God she was right wasnt she? But I don't know just because she's doing that doesn't mean she gains control of what I do.
"I'm sure we are boring Devin so how about that movie?" I say to change the subject, she nods her head and gets up. I look to his grave and talk to him in my head 'I will never be angry at you I promise I'll come to visit anytime I'm here, I'll make it the reason I even set foot here' , a tear falls but I wipe it away and head out.

We got to the movies and right in front of it was Robbie's car parked. This isn't a restaurant or a record label what the hell were they doing here?
"Isn't that?" The girl asks while pointing at the car
"It is" I respond and continue walking inside.
There's a bar right next to where you order snacks, she was sitting and he was holding her thigh. They hadn't notice us walking in which I was really thankful for.
"What can I get for you two" a boy wearing an apron and hat asks
"Oh um I don't know what do you want" I ask the girl and she lets a small giggle out. As she's ordering I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey" Dua says and I can feel all my small hairs bounce up, I turn around to face her and fake a smile.
"Oh hey" I respond
"Didn't expect to see you here" she says
"Yea me either" I respond, it's quiet for a bit until the girl turns around and faces Dua
"Hi" Dua says to her
"Sup" the girl says holding both drinks and pop corn
"Here let me help you" I say taking the popcorn from her
"I'll see you later" I tell Dua and begin to walk behind the girl, but she pulls me back, at this point I don't know where Robbie is. The girl turns to look at us
"I'll wait for you in there" she says, I nod and she continues walking
We stand there looking at eachother waiting for one of us to speak but it wasn't going to be me. She looked really good in the skin right dress she was wearing though, it had me thinking about earlier today.
"Did you hear me apologize earlier" she asks stepping closer to me
"I did but it doesn't mean I have to accept it now does it?" I tell her
"Course not but I really am sorry I know he's your best mate but I don't know I just don't want us to get pulled apart from eachother" she says with those worried eyes she always had on but I gave her a smile because at least she reflected on the issue, she understands now that when we are afraid or angry we do things that we end up regretting
"So you understand that when we're angry we do dumb things?" I ask her and she nods slowly
"I forgive you then" I tell her and she smiles, she was about to talk till Robbie came out of nowhere
"Y/n surprised to see you here are you on your own?" He asks
"I'm here with a friend I was just going" I say as I begin to walk away
"Your boyfriend?" He asks and it stops me, why did I goddamn stop?
"Sure" I say and continue walking

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