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"Thank god you're alive" I tell Madison as she comes through the door. She should be saying that to me actually because I've been the one avoiding her as well because Rina is someone I've like being around with so a friend I guess.

"Says the one who's been like a ghost" she responds just as I knew she would. She's so pretty but I can't ever see myself loving her because you think I would have already fallen for her after everything we've done together. She was basically my gay awakening physically but truly it was Dua. Rina was on the patio reading and smoking. It's the one thing I disliked about her because Dua had a constant struggle with trying to stop smoking and Rina did it in front of her all the time.

"Rina this is Madison" I tell her and she pulls her sunglasses down with her finger to judge Madison's appearance or check her out. Madison comes forward as if she knows what's going on and sticks her hand out to be greeted. A grin forms on Rinas face.

Rina has been acting differently towards me since she found out about Dua and I. She isn't as close to me as she was anymore but it was better that way. It's just so uncomfortable and awkward now so I really was hoping this visit from Madison would make those things go away.
"I'm Rina" Rina says as she greets Madison

We both sat down in the patio with Rina. And poured ourselves some wine.
"So Madison how do you know y/n?" Rina asks but she's staring at me the whole time while asking. Not a friendly stare but a weird one I cannot explain.
"I met her at a party like 2 weeks ago" Madison replies
"Y/n is quite the party girl isn't she?" Rina asks
"That was a one and a million time I went to a party" I say

"Well you should prepare yourself for more because my sister loves to party" Rina says and passes me the wine bottle. I don't know what she was up to but for some reason I felt as if I had to prove that I can totally party. So I take the bottle and drink a good big portion of it.
"Woah take it easy there" Madison says as she tries to push down the bottle
"Hey Madison how about I show you my rock collection in my room" Rina says

She doesn't have a rock collection, I know she's probably going to hook up with Madison and I had to just sit here and deal with that. I'm fine with it though because I have Dua, my attractive famous girlfriend who loves me more than I could ever love myself.

I take another huge gulp of the bottle.

My girlfriend isn't here though and I need her here with me right now because my mind keeps trying to travel onto a field that isn't okay. It wants to be thinking about Rina and how she's with someone else too. I'm here in this balcony alone but having the biggest war to ever happen just inside my own mind.

I take another gulp.


"Hey wake up" I hear

I rub my eyes as I wake up to see who it is. My head was pounding so hard. Did I really get that drunk or something? I've always been to easy to become drunk because I couldn't really take a lot of alcohol in my system. Luckily I was still in the same spot I was so hopefully nothing happened. As my vision cleared I see Madison
"Sorry I just fell asleep" I say
"Don't worry we were gone for 2 hours so it's normal but I have to go now, I'd like to have a word with you but in private" she says
"Oh okay let's go to my room" I say

We walk into my room and she slowly closes the door. She seems a bit nervous for some reason did she fall for Rina or something?
"What's up?" I ask
"No you need to tell me what's up" she responds
What does she mean? Fuck maybe I did do something wrong. How do I take this though, I'm clueless.
"Um please give me more information of why I need to tell you what's up?" I reply
"Rina just said she's madly in love with you" she says

My body nearly drops to the ground mentally but it doesn't physically. What the hell is going on! I don't want Rina to feel that way about me, I love Dua and for fuck sakes that's her sister. I haven't done anything with her though so I really haven't contributed to her feeling that way towards me right?

"Are you cheating on Dua?" She asks
"Fuck no I'm not I don't even know why Rina feels that way" I respond
But I do in a way. Because looking back I have been feeling something for her too, I don't know or want to think that I feel the same for her as well because Dua is my girlfriend!
"So you're not in love with her?" She asks
"Of course not what kind of question is that I love Dua and Dua only" I respond
"Okay I believe you just start being careful now that you know this we don't know what she's capable of" she says

How am I supposed to start being careful when that's all I've been doing and it's getting harder each second Dua isn't around. But she's right I don't know what Rina is capable of, clearly she really can't control herself because she's in love with her sister's girlfriend. I'll probably have to leave for a while, stay away as far as I can from Rina as I can. Because yes the easy solution would be to tell Dua what is going on but that could possibly make things worse.

"I'll go now then but if anything happens call me" she says and begins to open the door again slowly. I walk with her to see her out.
I close the door and as I turn I'm met with Rina. Face to face with again those different colored eyes that cause me to feel to different feelings, love and lust.
"She was cool" she randomly says
"Yea she is" I say
"By the way Dua called earlier she won't be able to make it home tonight" she says


Thanks for reading :) yes i know i mentioned how this story would last just to the end of summer but god was I busy!

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