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Thats it, I have to leave. Summer is almost over anyways, I can just go back to living as a regular college kid not some complicated shit like this. There's just a huge problem, I'm in love with Dua. I know it's questionable after what I did but if anything it helped realize more how much I only love Dua. But I cheated and I don't really deserve her. Plus Rina is right we are living in such a shitty time where I can't publicly be with Dua especially now that she's in everyone's mind. It's just a matter of time till she leaves me.

"So what do you want to do today I'm off all day" Dua says laying next to me
"You're actually off all day or just till 6 or something" I say
What even gives me the right to question her now? Like I have no reason to be complaining at this point?
"I mean it love, now please let's go somewhere or just do it the whole day and stay in bed" she says with a smirk
I laugh.
"You wish, um you choose im clueless" I say
I'm clueless because I need to find a way to leave without feeling anything. I really question how I got into such a situation, I mean Robbie is still trying to kill me but he thinks I'm gone. Doesn't he question where she goes?
"Let's go eat somewhere special" she says
"Do I need to remind you that people are currently obsessed with you and if they see you anywhere they'll freak out causing us to get caught?" I say
"We can get the food and eat somewhere in the woods or something" she says
"How about we eat breakfast and then talk about it?" I say
She nods and meets my nose with her before she kisses me. She does the cute little smile she always does that makes me melt.

As we go to the table I hear Rinas room open. God I was literally in there last night that I even remember how her bed sheets look already. I couldn't look her in the eye.
"Good morning" she says
"Hello sister of mine" Dua says
Then I feel a hand in my shoulder slowly massaging it.
"Hey there y/n" Rina says
What the actual fuck is she thinking? Well actually what am I expecting? She could tell her right now and ruin the whole thing. I haven't even thought of what to say when she finds out what I did. I don't know if to defend or beg or just understand.
"Hey" I say
"Did she bug you a lot Y/n? Because I'll beat her up right now with this fork" Dua says

Oh god I can't even breathe right now. Never had anxiety for breakfast but it sure damn well didn't feel good. God I gotta get out of here now.
I get up and just walk into the restroom. I need to come up with a plan now or more people can end up hurt.
"Are you okay?" I hear Dua on the other side of the door
I look for anything to help me calm down but looking just made everything worse so my mind thinks of the craziest thing to do while I focus on the window.

I unlock the window as quietly and quickly as I can. Don't know what I'm doing but I'm doing it. This is it my calm side tries to tell myself so I can stop and think but I clearly can't do that. This is it, Dua and me are done. I stare down at the latter .
"Please open the door you're scaring me love" she says
I begin to climb out. Not looking back at all. Once I reach the floor I take a deep breather knowing I'm going to have to run for hours till she can't find me or I find a place where no one can find me.
As I make it to the turn I hear my name getting shouted.
"Y/n!" Dua screams out

I start running again but my tears begin to think it's a race because they start running down my face just as fast as I'm running. Look at me in pjs running away, I look insane I know I do but this is all I deserve. I try catching my breath but it hurts and I like it in a way.

I reach a pay phone, because as I was running away I remembered that Madison exists, I could call her to get me away from all this. Or at least give me a place to sleep tonight.
"Hello?" She says
"Madison it's y/n I really need your help now" I say
"With what are you good it sound like you're dying" she says
"I am dying in a way what's your address again?" I say

I arrive at her house. Smelling like sweat I bet, I just know once I wake up tomorrow I'm going to regret everything that just happened but it's already far too late to undo it. Dua deserves better anyways, it was never going to work anyways as much as I wanted it too. Maybe in another life.

"Are you finally going to tell me what happened?" She asks
I don't know if I should tell her or not. What if she hates me too, she's the one who warned me about Rina and for me to just go ahead and sleep with her? Yea no I just need to tell her I had a fight with Dua or something.
"Dua and I got into a fight" I say
"And you ran away? I won't judge you but still you made it sound like she murdered you or something" she replies
"I just don't want to see her right now" I say
"I guess that okay but you can't stay here forever" she replies
"I know that now can you please let me sleep" I say
"So much for being thankful" she replies

I'm very thankful for Madison but whenever I have a melt down like this I need to sleep it out to think to be able to live for the rest of my life. I really can't make anyone happy, Devin apparently loved me but even he was unhappy because he saw what I had with Dua and well now I messed things up with Dua. This summer would have been better if I actually did just stay at school and studied.


I rub my puffy eyes causing discomfort for a second. I hear talking, it's the accent the fuckin accent. No it can't be fuck. I extend my hearing as long as I metaphorically can just to make sure that I'm hearing correctly. And I am, it's Dua. But how the hell did she get here? Do I move or do I hold my breath till I actually die so I won't have to deal with it.

"Yea she just got up and left not sure why she said we got into a disagreement" Dua tells Madison
"Maybe she's just finding it too much you being famous and all isn't going to make things easier"
Nope it's because I cheated! Why did Madison have to call her here.
"I really love her and I know I'll never be able to give her peace but I'd die for her meaning I'd leave everything behind for her" Dua says
"I believe you but I just can't shake the fact that you're basically cheating on her all the time and maybe it's getting to her too" Madison says

She's right. I'm getting cheated on constantly and I never complain? I feel shitty about cheating but what about Dua doesn't feel shitty? I've never even thought about it I guess. Maybe we're just bad for each other.

"You're right well hopefully when she wakes up we can talk about it" Dua replies

NEXT WILL BE A DUA POV. Thanks for reading :)

 Thanks for reading :)

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