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"Alright Y/n you and Ron will be at the back entrance" the coordinator says as he points towards the back

Yes I actually volunteered for student security. I don't want to see Dua, even thinking about her being so close makes me feel butterflies in my stomach, I dislike this because I don't know if I feel this because I still love her or I feel this because I'm afraid of all the feelings coming back.

"Why are you here? Don't you like pop because you're a girl?" Ron says as we walk towards the back
"I don't like pop and what's it got to do with me being a girl?" I ask in a defensive tone
"You're the only girl who volunteered" he laughs

As he says that a big bus arrives, a tour bus it looks like and I freeze. Am I about to see Dua? I can't.

"I need to go to the restroom" I blurt out and speed walk to the direction I hope is the bathroom

I finally make it to the stall.

Why do I still feel this in my heart? I've moved on it's been 2 years. It's been two fuckin years and you decide to come back into my life like a boomerang? Clearly this has had to been set up right? Like she really had to perform at my school out of all the damn famous schools. Maybe this is my fault too. I should have dropped out a long time ago.

"That's what I said like how in the bloody hell do you expect me to say yes when you're dressed like a lunatic" a woman says and another woman laughs

Everyone here is American. No one says bloody here and sounds classy, only one who I have heard said that is, Dua. I need to make no movement at all. I came here to get away from her and now she's in here.

Her voice it felt refreshing to hear, like if my ears have been underwater and now I can finally hear clearly not muffled. It made me feel anxious though, because truly I am the coward here. I can easily go out there and just own it that I have nothing there for her anymore. But then that would just make me a liar.

"Why did you choose this school though? A bunch of preppy rich folks here" the other woman says

"It just has something special I know it does plus preppy rich kids is my audience" Dua says

Okay so she is definitely here because I'm here. Am I that something special she's talking about? Who is the girl she's talking to anyways?

"Are you feeling nervous?" The girl asks

"A little" Dua says

"You know I know how to fix that" the girl says

I put my eye through the gap of the stall because what the hell is going on? Is what I think is going on going on? Are they going to kiss or something?

"What if someone" Dua says but before she could finish the girl grabs her neck and pull her close to her.

They start kissing, the girl sits Dua on the sink and lifts one of her legs so it can wrap around her waist. They're full on making out! Did they not care to check who's around? God this is so uncomfortable but I guess it answers my questions about her still being in same sex relationships. Did she love her?

"We can't" Dua yells and pushes the girl away causing the girl to jump away from her because she yelled loudly

Even I jumped but I tried not to make it so obvious. Why did she yell like she was getting killed or something? She seemed to be enjoying every second of it.
"Did I do something wrong?" The girl says
"No I just don't feel comfortable doing that here right now" she says
"Alright I'm sorry" the girl says

Then the door flung open. It was some security student dude. Of course they would send a dude right? Cause it totally makes sense to send a dude to the girls restroom.
"Is everything alright here?" He says
"Yes we just saw a bug" the girl says
"Anyone else in here?" The guy says
"I don't think so" they both say

Thank god. I wonder why she freaked out though? God I wasn't even wondering but I'm pretty sure she's here for me, and maybe I'm wrong but that's okay for me either way. Dua deserves better and if she is here for me it's dumb because even if she were to confront me I'll just tell her she deserves better because she does! I cheated on her.

Once the guy left they both stood there until the girl decided to just leave. They had their secret language now too? Just like her and I had. She must be really special then. Good for her though, hopefully this girl treats her better. She's better looking than me too, looks like an actress or something. I wonder if she may be the reason Dua is so for the queer community now.

Sort of makes me think that maybe I wasn't good enough for that but maybe I just left too soon. I'm no victim and I'm very much aware of that. This is just feels like a dream.

Part of me was happy the girl was leaving because I want to see Dua on her own. Notice the new her not "the brand new singer" her from two years ago. She's very different actually. She has tattoos, I can't catch what they say because she's a bit too far. Her hair it's dark red, not the same brunette hair I used run my hands through. But her scent it was still there, the lavender. As for her personality, I don't know because im not planning on talking to her.

"Cmon Dua bloody snap out of it" she begins talking to herself through the mirror

Why was she so tense?

The door once again opens. Oh shit it's Ron.

"Y/n hurry up"he yells

Fuck why did he have to say my name.

"Oh my bad I thought my friend was in here" he says

"Wait a minute" Dua says


Sorry it's been taking a long time to update school is too much especially right now 🥲 but thank you for reading as always :)

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