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Dear Y/n,
I can't explain to you how much I have adored us as friends but I come baring bad news unfortunately. I've loved you since I've met you, at first I was fine with being friends because I assume you needed time to fall for me but it never was that way was it? I know why now and I'm not angry but I wish you would've trusted me enough to tell me. The first day you saw her I saw a spark light up in your eye and I know she had it too. I was angry and disturbed by it at first but love shouldn't be that. I come to bare more bad news though, while I was angry it may have slipped out my mouth to my dad. He wasn't happy about it all and told me he was going to use everything to make Dua normal. And if he failed to do so he would do something unexplainable so please be careful.
Your Dearest Friend,

I made the worst mistake reading this alone because what I just read was a warning right? There was no question he wrote it because like I mentioned he would write to me before. Robbie knew about us but why was he so fine with us being together so much? What is that something unexplainable hes talking about? I don't even know if I should tell Dua. I can't be mad at Devin for this anyways, he's gone but why did he goddamn say anything. He never saw anything weird happen between us so we can just prove to Robbie that it isn't what Devin thought he saw. I hear a knock on my door
"You okay in there?" Dua asks
What do I do? Do I tell her so we can work together? I felt my heart go cold because the next thought in my head wasn't a good one but it had a good outcome for both of us. I open the door
"Yea I'm okay" I tell her
"The letter it wasn't bad?" She asks me with the same old beautiful concerned eyes
"Dua you should leave" I tell her
"What" she says and her stare now gloomy
"Please just go" I tell her
"No what did that letter say it's clearly making you act a certain way towards me" she says coming in and shutting the door behind her
"I'll go then" I tell her walking by her
"Nope" she says going in front of the door and crossing her arms
"You just said you loved me yesterday you idiot so you either tell me what's on that letter or I won't move" she demands
"He knows about us and he wants to do something to us or maybe just you here" i hand her the letter but she makes sure to lean against the door. Her eyes scan through the letter fast but you can tell she reads it a second time to make sure she isn't reading it wrong. She places one hand on her head as if she's stressed
"We need to leave then ,runaway" she tells me
"No you know who Robbie is? He's very powerful and now that we know this we don't know what he's capable of" I tell her
"He won't find us if we leave now" she says
"He won't 100% find us if just one of us leaves" I tell her
"I'm not letting you leave without me and I'm never leaving you so there has to be another option there always is" she says and she was right but it would be so difficult to prove he was wrong now
"The only other option is that you show interest in him again" I tell her
"That won't make you happy though and it won't make me bloody happy if you're not happy" she says
"Dua it's that or please move out of my way" I tell her

She slides her back down the door and sits on the floor. She begins to cry not loudly but still loud enough to hear her trying not to be loud if that makes sense. I'm tired of fighting the good fight, anytime we want to enjoy each other there has to be a huge reminder on why it won't work and this is just the beginning of our relationship.
I sit next to her and lift her chin up. Her eyes are always my main focus but they were full of water this time and so sad. I know I should comfort her but the only way I can think of doing that right now is kissing her so I do just that.
She kisses me back, her lips have a hint taste of salt because of her tears but it became a sweet flavor. She climbed on me kissing me harder, her arm reached where the door knob to lock it. She releases from my lips but quickly returns after she takes her shirt off. She grabs my hands and moves them down to her waist slowly so I can feel her naked upper body. She's soft as silk, I felt like the luckiest person to live because of this very moment. She puts her hands on my face and brings me closer to her neck so I can kiss it as well. I begin a suction motion and she pulls me closer to I assume find her weak spot. She finally does
"Mmmm" she moans out, that's the first time I've ever heard that come out her mouth and every part of me became warm and weak. I love her, I love her so much and I was ready to become hers.
- - -
The was probably the best feeling I have ever felt. It hurt at the beginning I won't lie but it always does I remember them mentioning it in my health class, the first time you always bleed. I wasn't even sure how it would work, I'm surprised she knew. It wasn't just sex it was love.
"It's going to be hard to prove something wrong when it's right" she says next to me, only the blanket keeping us unrevealed
"Fake it till you make it right?" I tell her
"It's going to suck having to be with him especially now knowing he's so against us but if that's what's going to keep you with me then I'll do it" she says
"When are you performing?" I ask her
"I believe tomorrow will you come?" She asks scooting closer to me
"It's better if I don't right? So I don't look like a supportive girlfriend" I tell her
"Girlfriend huh my girlfriend" she says giggling
"Entirely yours after what just happened" I tell her with a soft smile.

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