Dua Pov 3

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I'm really confused and sad about y/n just running off, truth is I haven't really been the best girlfriend ever, I was too busy all the time being someone else's girlfriend. I felt disgusted with myself whenever I come home to her because I knew I wasn't there enough. Maybe she has had enough of me?

Look at her she's so young and beautiful, yes we aren't so far in age but I am older. She could be happy with some college boy right now but she wants to suffer and be with me and I can't even put in the effort as I should.

"This world is truly cruel" I say
"It sure is" Madison responds
" I hate this place so much, this entire planet. I can't love the person I want to love in public, I'm not ashamed of her but afraid of what may come if I were to expose us" I say as a lump forms on
"I wish I could say it gets better but it won't at least not now at all. She really does love you though and love overcomes anything at the end" Madison responds
"What if she doesn't want to be with me anymore" I say, there's now a lump in my throat and it burns so much
"I don't know what to tell you but the last time we spoke she mentioned she loves you a lot" she responds

I get closer to y/n and grab her hand. I didn't want to wake her up but I need her touch and I miss her so bloody much. I can't help but think about the first time I met her. She was happy then and so pure to me, now I know her completely. I know every part of her and I'm forced to hide her from everyone because I don't have the guts to at the very least tell the rest of my family.

"Do you think I should go?" I ask Madison
"You don't want to wait till she wakes up?" She responds
"What if she doesn't want to see me, maybe you can convince her to go back" I say
"What if she doesn't want to" she asks

If she doesn't want to then that means it's over? Or if she doesn't want to, maybe she just wants to stay here for a while. Maybe she's sick of Rina or something and just needs a break? If she does want to end things with me then I'll respect it. Although I can feel my heart falling apart just thinking about it. But I feel it deep down that it isn't in fact over because I know we love each other and as Madison said, love can overcome anything.

"If she doesn't want to then it's okay just let me know if she's okay" I say
"You're far more different than I thought Dua, not a narcissist at all, maybe in the future with your title and everything you can make this place better for people like us" Madison says
"I will of course I will" I say

Madison is right, I can make things better for everyone who love the people they love. If heterosexual people can love why not homosexuals? Love is love. But I can't do it now or I'll never have the title I want. It sucks that I even have to think about that.

"Take care then" she says
"Of course you too and take care of her too please" I say

Unfortunately I still have a life outside of my relationship with y/n. I needed to be successful to get the title I wanted. Ultimately for me to be with her publicly one day.


Arriving back at the studio, the man I hate but I'm dating sitting there with a large cigar in his mouth. I know he didn't truly love me one bit he just loved the fact that he had someone like me by his side. I'm very aware of how good I look and how easy it would be to just leave him but unfortunately like almost everything in my life, I need him to be successful.

"Hey there darling" he says reaching for me. Kissing me on the cheek

"Hey" I say

"You look pale are you okay? Cmon the album is finished be happy" he exclaims

"Right I'm just feeling a bit under the weather" I say

He slams the studio deck with both his arms. I jump because how loud it was. He's never done this, I'm not sure if it's a bad or good thing so I make no sudden movement.

"You've always been under the damn weather since that brat left" he says

He's right but she hasn't left, I've only been this way because I'm with him and not her and I hated it more than everything in the world.

"You're bloody drunk or something" I say

"No I'm not, I'm tired, tired that my woman has not been in bed with me once" he screams

"I'm leaving" I say

"Just say it you're a damn dyke, a lesbian, see I was trying to do you a fucking favor by being with you so people wouldn't suspect but fuck what do I get back nothing?" He screams

"I am nothing of what you said and even if I am it's not of your goddamn business" I scream back

"I could make one call and you'll be nothing but a lesbian to everyone in the world right now" he says

"I'll tell everyone how you killed your son" I say

It's true. He killed Devin, not purposely but he killed him. Robbie was being chased after by some drug dealer for a while and he needed the money so he had his festival go under attack so he could sue the security team and get money to pay off his debt.

"Get the fuck out of here now" he screams

"I'll be back tomorrow" I say And leave out there door.

How could today get any worse.


Lying on her bed, it hasn't been done since she left. Breathing her scent in is heaven to me, it's the only thing that makes me want to keep breathing. I can cry and cry about life not being fair but I want to cry with her. I want to feel the pain and hate from the world but with her. I want happy moments and memories with her not with anyone else.

"It's going to be alright Dua" Rina says leaning on the door
"Rina do you know something I don't? Why would she just get up and go?" I say
"It surprised me too Dua" she says
"It's my fault isn't it? I left her alone for too long that she probably hates me now" I say
"Don't say that Dua, maybe it's her fault, if she couldn't wait then maybe she isn't worth it, if she really loved you she wouldn't just get up and leave" she responds
"I don't want her to leave though I'm so damn in love with her" I begin to cry
"I can't live without her Rina she's my everything" I cry out loud

Sorry for not updating faster! Thank you for reading as always :)

summer love (Dua lipa)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin