Her Sister

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Days passed after meeting Duas family, I think  it brought us closer and I loved it. Her telling me she wants to marry me at some point boosted up my hope for us. Of course I was still trying to avoid the fact that I'm leaving back to school in a few weeks but she wasn't going back to London so she would be able to visit me.
"I have something to tell you" Dua says as she sneaks up behind me as I'm washing the dishes causing my skin to jump up. She laughs and kisses me on the cheek and slaps my ass.
"You're really getting used to that arent you" I tell her with a smirk on my face.

We were making love almost every night, I never pictured myself doing anything like this especially with a girl. I was going to wait till marriage like my parents tell me to all the time but what was the point?

"Well um Rina is going to stay here for a while" she says with a slight cringe expression because I know she knows we won't be able to do what we do anymore if she stays here. It was like a ballon sadly deflating and not to exaggerate but like if the world was falling apart. I then snapped out of my own mind and realized I have to watch how I react because this is her sister and I need to respect her.
"That sounds fun" I tell her with a soft fake smile but hopefully it convinced her otherwise
"I don't want her to but my mom insists because Rina is a little on the edge lately almost too much to handle apparently and my parents need a break from her" she says explaining her hands. God those hands. But at least now I knew she didn't want her here either but really what was so wrong with Rina for her parents to want a break from her?

It just came to my head that she's hiding her relationship with Robbie to her parents too or just our relationship?
"Dua" I say as she is resting her head on my shoulder
"Yes love?" She responds adjusting the position of her head to face me better.
"Do they know about Robbie?" I ask setting the final washed dish in the dry rack causing her to remove her head from my shoulder.
"They only know he's helping me but they are soon to meet him that's why I wanted to tell them about us before that" she says. So if we don't tell them about us she'll just say that's his boyfriend or how would that even work? Like what if he kisses her in front of them?
"But if he meets them he's going to tell them he's your boyfriend like what if he asks permission to marry you?" I tell her and I assume she going to laugh it out but her facial expression became serious.
"I will not marry that man" she says walking away
"You know I'm not the jealous type but aren't you afraid that your parents will disapprove of you having a double life?" I yell out gently just so she can hear me from wherever she was because she wasn't around
She didn't answer back all I heard was a door slam not too hard but not too soft either

A sudden knock stopped me before I can think of Dua being upset and I went to answer it. It was Rina with a suitcase, she picked it up from the ground and gave me a big bright smile.
"Hey there I hope Dua told you the news roomie" she says with her deep raspy British accent
"She did it sounds like a fun time" I tell her obviously lying but she doesn't know me well enough to know that
"Where is the girl anyways?" She asks me walking in and looking around
"Oh she's" I say but I'm stopped from completing my sentence because she grabs my face with her hand and rubs my cheek with her thumb
"You're really beautiful" she says and i quickly remove myself from her hand.
"Do you have a luv?" She asks as she lets a small giggle out since she knows how much panic she just put me into
"She does" Dua says coming out with her arms crossed, I was so close to saying "I do?" But what if she wasn't going to say anything
"Cool" Rina says

As Rina settled in Dua was still being distant which was odd of her because she wasn't that type of person to hide her feelings. I wasn't the person to love confrontation either though so I am going to wait till she comes to me. Rina is definitely a character alright, she was more bold than her sister had ever been I don't know what she would have done if I didn't pull away quickly enough. I guess she didn't care for or had any boundaries maybe that's why she was known as being on edge.
"You want eggs I'm making eggs" Rina randomly spits out awakening me from my thoughts. I looked at the clock on the wall realizing it's 4 pm which certainly was no time for breakfast.
"It's four in the afternoon" I tell her and she shrugs
"Not to offend y/n but you need to loosen up or you'll end up like miss grumps over there" she says while pointing with the egg towards Duas room.

I love that grumps more than anything though and what she said just made me want to go see if shes okay now because she was only "miss grumps" because of me. I knock gently but I reach for the door knob as I do that opening the room. Her scent right away hitting me, she smells like lavender not the cheap one but the most natural ever. The sheets we slept on every night had the smell of both us now so I smelled myself in here too. She was writing in her song book till she realized I was in.
"Is everything okay?" I ask her and she adjust herself to speak to me
"It's not you I just really didn't want Rina to come because I won't be able to do what I wanted to do with this place which is to you know" she responds. A part of me was relieved she wasnt upset at me but another part of me knew exactly how she felt so maybe I should just let her tell her family about us.
"Dua you can tell them" I tell her but her face doesn't seem to fond about it
"I need to tell you something about that" she says and I just stare at her waiting for her to continue
"I know I've told you I'm fine with telling my parents but I think I'm not ready yet it's not because I don't want to trust me but I don't know I'm afraid I think" she says without taking a breath. I can't say I'm not surprised because I genuinely am, I thought she was okay with herself but I also can't blame her because like I always say it isn't truly okay what we are doing so I understand.
"It's okay Dua you can tell them whenever you're ready but please don't hide these things okay I understand how you feel" I respond and she gives me a gentle nod
She put her notebook open facing me and started writing something
I wish I could kiss you now but I'm scared
I look at her and smile but then again a knock disturbs

"You girls are good in here?" Rina says as she bursts through the door causing Dua to flip her notebook as quick as possible
"Yes I was just feeling a bit sick" Dua fake coughs and I try not to laugh because that just made her look like such a liar
"You're full of bloody crap" Rina says laughing and I can't help but laugh too because she was right.
Maybe having around Rina won't be so bad I'll be able to hear cute stories about embarrassing things Dua has done and things she has never told me.

Hey y'all sorry for the long time no see and small chapter but I'll be writing more but school is a little too much right now lol. Thank you guys for reading as always

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