First day

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"You should be ashamed of yourself y/n we never raised you this way" my mom screams at me while my dad is in the back shaking his head. My tears are running down faster than anything you could imagine. I look around me and all I see is darkness the only light coming through was where they were both standing.
"We no longer want you in this world you're an embarrassment for us" my dad says as he reaches for a door and closes it leaving me in total darkness. I began to scream begging to let me out because I'm afraid of the dark but no one opens it. I hear a loud laugh it's Robbie's laugh, I try to figure out from where it's coming from and I feel something around me, suddenly there's light and it was Devins corpse.
I felt hands around me and I screamed "get away from me" as I pushed the arms off of me. I opened my eyes
"It's me it's okay it was just a bad dream love" Dua says putting her hands on my face.

Today was the first day staying at this hotel and I think my mind was very aware of it because of the dream I just had. Or maybe it was a wake up call for me that we have to be really careful or something will happen. I could easily tell Dua why I wanted to leave but I don't want her to worry and cause panic, that will make Robbie notice something is off.

"It was but don't you have to be somewhere Dua he'll find it suspicious if you're not like around" i say quickly not even breathing between words, she cuts me off by putting her lips on mine and climbing on top of me.
"Don't worry too much about it I've got it under control like I told you" she says with a soft smile and rubbing my cheek with her right hand. God help me but she was so charming, I think every English person is. I can't look at her right now without smiling because she's so contagious. I grab her face and squish it.
"You're so adorable I hate you" I tell her as I let a small laugh out
"You are far way more though now please tell me what you dreamt about" she says laying on top of me and looking at me with curiosity
"It was horrific trust me you don't want to know" I tell her and she makes a pout
"Don't tell me that I need to know what's harming the love of my life so I can magically appear in her dreams and kill them off" she says putting a fist up and I burst out laughing. Dua is really intimidating but since I know her more now she isn't such a threat to me at least so it's hilarious how she wants to seem scary.
"It was a homophobic slash scary dream to sum it up your boyfriend" I say sighing. Dua gets up and starts pacing back and forth
"I really don't enjoy hearing you call him my boyfriend because he is nothing of mine maybe an enemy yes but nothing else" she says and it clearly upset her, I felt bad right away so I got up and went in for a hug.
"I'm sorry but I'm afraid that this will lead to trouble and I think that's why I dreamt about what I dreamt about" I tell her while holding her as tight as I can so she can feel my heart beating for her.
"Meeting all these celebrities now because of the record label I signed to and my performance yesterday we aren't the only ones out here being a secret y/n" she says pulling my face closer to hers
"There will be a point where people will have accept us because I'm sure no one can keep themselves a secret forever but if it's necessary then we will you just need to be strong but I know it gets rough so if you ever feel that way just let me know" she says looking at me with passionate eyes and her soft beautiful smile
"Alright then but you really should go it's late" I tell her
"It's like you don't want me here but you're right I'll be back later it's an hour cab ride so yea I should be leaving" she says then kisses me gently.

Madison gave me her number to call if anything but I'm not sure if she's home right now. Could I even go out to explore or was it too risky? But I wasn't going to be locked up in here I will die of boredom. I grab some sunglasses and tie my hair in a way I never do so I can seem different. I have no idea about any places around here so it should be fun to explore.
As I step outside I feel the sun beaming into my eyes and the sound of loud honks coming from everywhere. I make sure to remember the street name and start heading down the street.

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