Chapter 1 : September 1st

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"I trust you have everything with you?" impatiently asked Mrs Greengrass, looking at her pendant watch.

"Yes, grandmother. My owl, my books, my wand, my broom... It's all there."

"Very well. Go say your goodbyes to your mother, the carriage shall be here soon."

Penelope set her luggage down and walked back into the house. Her mother was in her room, as usual, sitting on a rocking chair with one of her father's shirts on her lap.


"Faites bon voyage," her mother spoke, not even bothering to look at her. "Nous nous verrons à l'été."

Penelope nodded and left the room without glancing back at her mother. She would only go home during the summer holidays, as she would much rather be in Hogwarts than here. Her mother was never the warmest person, even before what had happened. Penelope missed her father more than she could articulate. She wanted him to be here for her during moments like these, accompany her to King's Cross, and give her advice. But he was gone.

No one knew where he went, or even if it was of his own free will. Penelope had thought that perhaps Ranrok, Rookwood, or even the poachers had something to do with it, but she hadn't found out anything. Her father was an important man who worked closely with the Ministry, and she was certain his position had to do with it. But the rumour went that he had left the family for another woman, and while Penelope could not believe that, everybody else did.

On their way to the station, her grandmother began pestering her about Sebastian once more. Penelope had kept her promise and written to Sebastian extensively over the summer, somehow managing to escape her watchful eye. She couldn't wait to see him again.

"With the Triwizard Tournament taking place this year, I want you to take this opportunity to associate with a better crowd."

"I will, grandmother."

That she was excited about as well. Three champions from three different wizarding schools participated in a magical contest, with only one winner. No one knew which schools were going to participate yet. It was a controversial decision, but the Ministry of Magic decided to revive it a century after its ban. The Tournament was extremely dangerous and champions were regularly killed, but after the year she had experienced, no decision the Ministry of Magic made could phase Penelope.

She had grown an intense distrust for authority over the last year. She felt like she was pushed into something she was not ready for, by people who should have protected her. But at the same time, she mourned Professor Fig like her own father, and she couldn't blame him for trusting her to close the repository. Despite everything, after defeating Ranrok on her own, she was expected to go back to student life and be an obedient young woman. But she had no intention of doing that.

They arrived at the station and hurriedly made their way through the crowd. Both of them went through the enchanted barrier between platforms 9 and 10 for the first time together. They emerged on platform nine and three-quarters and were immediately struck by the liveliness of it all. Students laughing and running around, owls and cats in cages hooting and meowing, and a few parents watching anxiously from a distance. Penelope could tell they were Muggles by the way they were dressed.

"Penelope!" she heard Natty call her name behind her.

The girls hugged. She had missed her a lot during the summer. Penelope introduced her to her grandmother, and as they talked, she looked around for her other friends. Sebastian would certainly not be there, as he lived close enough to the school to travel by carriage. She did see Poppy though, accompanied by her grandmother who looked just as kind and scholarly as she had described her.

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