Chapter 23 : Isolation

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Penelope's arm and shoulder continued to ache for several days following the incident. Though the bones had been set and healed, they still felt slightly misaligned. Yet, this physical discomfort paled in comparison to the turmoil brewing within her. She had so many unanswered questions. She had theories, of course.

At first, she had assumed the amulet was the source of her troubles, but even after carefully packing it away in her trunk, the sensation persisted. Nurse Blainey had examined her, and she hadn't noticed anything unusual, ruling out a natural, medical cause. No, it had to be something else. Something entirely beyond her control. That thought sent a shiver down her spine.

Sebastian was unusually accommodating lately, readily indulging Penelope. He must have felt guilty, and the thought did bring Penelope a bit of comfort. On the other hand, Ominis was less lenient. Despite seeing Isidora less frequently since the start of the new term, he persistently insisted Penelope rest, often unexpectedly running into her around the school. He adamantly claimed he wasn't intentionally following her, but the encounters were too numerous to be attributed to coincidence.

Adèle had called upon several of her connections in high society, and the trio anxiously awaited any news. With Adèle's extensive network, they were confident that if Anne had been in France at any point, even for a brief period, she would surely uncover something. Given her weakened state, Penelope didn't quite feel prepared to tackle the daunting task of breaking a curse. At least, not yet.

On certain days, she found herself feeling slightly better. She had adapted, and somehow managed to remain functional. Her friends had begun to attribute her low energy to the natural process of maturing. However, on one particularly bad day, as her head throbbed heavily, she found herself unable to maintain the facade any longer. Desperate for some solitude, she fled to the library in search of respite. As Penelope sat by a window, lost in thought and staring out at the grounds, Poppy approached her.

"Hi, Penelope! Have you done the assignment on Bowtruckles yet?"

Penelope sighed internally at the interruption and shook her head.

"I'm doing research right now," Poppy grinned as she sat next to Penelope on the windowsill, prompting her to make room. "They're fascinating creatures!"

"Hmh," Penelope mumbled in response, hoping to signal that she didn't want to talk.

But Poppy continued, undeterred. "They live in trees and blend in with the foliage. They fiercely guard their home, and if they feel threatened, you should simply offer them a treat. I heard woodlice will do, but..."

Penelope tried to focus her attention back on the window, but Poppy persisted in her tangent.

"I can help you with your assignment! You should read this book, first. It's..."

"Merlin, Poppy, I am not in the mood to hear about stupid magical creatures!" she snapped.

Penelope's heart sank as she realised what she had said, immediately clamping her mouth shut with her hands. She watched in dismay as Poppy's face fell, her once bright smile replaced by a thin, pained frown.

"Poppy I'm so..." Penelope started to say.

"No. It's alright. I'll leave you to it, then," she muttered as she stood up.

Snapping at Sebastian had felt somewhat justifiable. After all, he had caused her a considerable amount of pain and stress, even unintentionally, and she was doing all of this for him. But Poppy had been nothing but kind and supportive to Penelope, even when she didn't deserve it. She made a note to apologise to her, perhaps tomorrow, and offer her some insight into her struggles—enough to evoke empathy without revealing the full truth.

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