Chapter 25 : Soldier

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Their efforts yielded nothing of substance. No distinct descriptions or details emerged during their investigation that could help them differentiate these dark wizards from others of their kind. They found themselves grasping at straws, unable to find even the faintest hint of a clue. Penelope felt as though she were losing her mind, and for once, her affliction wasn't to blame.

Her thoughts raced incessantly, day and night. Who were they? What were their motives? Were the missing individuals still held captive, or had they been disposed of? When the trio spoke to Officer Singer in Hogsmeade, she showed little concern and brushed them off, advising them to focus on their studies.

It seemed as though the boys were not as invested in uncovering the truth about her father's disappearance as she had hoped, despite their initial promise. She couldn't help but wonder if they truly understood the gravity of the situation or if their focus on finding the artefact to reach Anne had overshadowed her own plight. Perhaps they believed the rumours, and just wouldn't dare admit it to her.

There was no new information concerning Anne according to Adèle, who empathised with their desperation. Penelope surmised that Anne, perhaps weakened by her condition and unable to use magic, had integrated into the muggle world, making her nearly impossible to locate. Alternatively, it was conceivable that she had never ventured to France at all. Nevertheless, scouring all of Scotland wasn't a feasible option.

Feeling increasingly frustrated and anguished, Penelope had turned to old newspaper clippings in hopes of finding any shred of information about the mysterious gang. Yet, despite her efforts, the articles yielded little beyond vague rumours and speculation, just like she had expected. She had then taken the initiative to reach out to her father's acquaintances, seeking any insight they might offer regarding his disappearance. 

However, her letters were met with resounding silence. The lack of response from individuals who could potentially provide her with crucial information felt deliberate, as though the universe itself conspired to impede her quest. Each passing day brought with it a mounting sense of hopelessness.

One Friday night, Penelope visited Isidora once more, determined to make her case. Under her tutelage, Penelope had mastered powerful spells and despite the lingering feelings of despair, she felt more powerful and confident in her magic than ever before. She emerged from the tunnel into the majestic underground chamber, offering a respectful greeting to Isidora. At the end of the bridge, the two Guardians she had battled were reconstructed and stood vigilantly at their posts.

"Child," Isidora nodded, her observant eyes focused on Penelope.

"I am not here to train," Penelope declared. "I am here seeking information."

"Tell me what troubles thee."

Penelope took a deep breath before speaking. "I've learned of a gang operating in the Highlands, and I suspect they may be searching for the artefact as well."

"What leads you to that conclusion?" Isidora inquired.

"There have been disappearances," Penelope explained. "Over the past two years... But they're not ransom cases. It seems they're after information instead." She paused, letting her words sink in. "Don't you think?"

Isidora seemed thoughtful. "Mayhap. What dost thou know about this... 'gang'?"

"Nothing," she admitted. "I've scoured the surrounding villages to question possible witnesses, but I must confess, this isn't going anywhere. I need more information to continue my pursuit of the artefact."

"I know nothing more than thou dost."

"I know, but..." she hesitated, biting her lip. "I need guidance. Please tell me what to do next. I need to find out if they are indeed searching for the artefact."

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