Chapter 16 : Revelations

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Detention, although not Penelope's preferred way to spend time, turned out to be surprisingly mundane. The tasks that had been assigned to them were similar to what they would otherwise be doing in the library after class. The only difference was that they were not allowed to communicate; they had been deliberately seated on opposite sides of the room. Detention took place daily, from three o'clock to five o'clock, excluding weekends.

As a result, Penelope could not attend Quidditch practice on Wednesdays. Imelda was furious, blaming her for getting into trouble and jeopardizing the team—not to mention the deduction of house points. Ironically, despite Penelope being the key to Slytherin's triumph in the House Cup the previous year, the other Slytherins now seemed to despise them both.

This noticeably affected Sebastian's typically confident demeanour. Regardless of his efforts to mask it, she could see right through the facade. Their compromised reputation and the disapproval from their peers appeared to weigh on him far more profoundly than they did Penelope. Despite managing to avoid more severe consequences, they still faced repercussions.

Ominis, while acknowledging the need for consequences, found the situation disheartening. Despite giving considerable thought to his earlier advice, this surely wasn't the right time to disclose her feelings to Sebastian. Her friends from other houses remained friendly toward her, as they had been entirely unaffected by the ordeal. However, Natty didn't miss an opportunity to scold Penelope, reminding her that rules existed for a reason. Adèle, like Poppy, was empathetic to her plight, her acceptance likely influenced by her apparent love of unicorns.

That Sunday, she reported to the Quidditch field for practice with Imelda. It had been Penelope's initiative to catch up, hoping this would convey her sense of responsibility to the team and help her regain their trust. Imelda's lingering resentment, however, cast a shadow over the practice session. Her expression remained stern, and her comments were curt, if not a bit unkind. Penelope endured it and pushed herself harder, trying to prove through her performance that she was committed to making amends.

As the demanding practice came to an end, Penelope felt the weight of physical exhaustion and emotional strain wash over her. She entered the cloakroom and leaned against a wall, her broom clutched tightly in hand. She closed her eyes. The echoes of Imelda's disappointment reverberated in her mind, and a lump formed in her throat. However, she fought against it, clenching her jaw and blinking back the tears—Penelope never cried. She disliked it; it made her feel silly and fragile, a version of herself she had decided to leave behind. She took a deep breath, took a minute to compose herself, and emerged from the cloakroom. Ascending the stairs, she abruptly collided with a familiar figure.

"Look where you're going Greengrass," Sebastian's voice greeted her.

"Sorry," she said. "What are you doing here?"

"We thought we'd meet you after practice. Ominis is right outside."

Penelope's smile faded slightly. "Alright," she replied.

While Ominis had forgiven them both, they were still on thin ice. They both wanted to accompany her, yet she had quietly made up her mind against it after careful consideration. Sebastian's presence the first time had been crucial, but now that all she had to do was converse with Isidora, she thought it was wiser to go alone. Considering all the trouble she had experienced due to her dishonesty, she decided to tell them the truth. Upon reuniting with Ominis, they walked back to the castle together.

"I believe it might be more effective if I speak with Isidora alone," Penelope voiced once they had reached the courtyard. "I want to assure her that I'm taking this seriously, I need to earn her trust."

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