Chapter 26 : In the name of honour and fairness

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Penelope hadn't meant it. Not really. Nevertheless, since that night two weeks ago, Sebastian had taken her words to heart and hadn't spoken to her once. Ominis, initially impressed by her newfound assertiveness, had sided with her after hearing her version of events. However he continued to interact with Sebastian as usual, and the three of them carried on with their library excursions as if nothing had happened at all.

Ominis had attempted to steer them toward reconciliation, having grown progressively more frustrated with their behaviour, but neither would budge. Penelope still meant every word she had said. It was the first time she had demanded anything from him besides his friendship, while all he had done was take. Sebastian had been irresponsible, inconsiderate, and manipulative countless times over the year and a half they had known each other.

Despite her conviction, she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. Perhaps he harboured regrets. Surely he did. But he was stubborn, as was she. They were locked in a stalemate, with no end in sight. In the two weeks they had spent not speaking to each other, Penelope had ventured to the Hog's Head twice, though she returned empty-handed each time.

In the days leading up to the second task, Penelope's anxiety about Adèle's fate resurfaced. Thoughts of this supposed gang had consumed her for the past weeks, entirely eclipsing any other preoccupation. Penelope remembered Adèle's skill in duelling at Beauxbatons and knew that, even without her assistance in training, she would likely perform admirably.

But there was still this lingering, uneasy feeling in the back of her mind, gnawing at her, festering, poisoning her blood. If anything happened to Adèle, anything at all, she would never recover. Despite her strength as a witch, she was still only sixteen years old. Perhaps she should have helped her, school loyalty be damned.

On the morning of the second task, Penelope ate breakfast at the Gryffindor table, sitting with Natty and some of the Uagadou students, all clad in their traditional robes in preparation for the event. Some wore beaded skirts layered over their attire, while others adorned themselves with glass beads and seashell necklaces, draping low from their necks. Penelope eyed the fabrics curiously, intrigued by the intricate details and patterns that ran across their bodies.

"Do you bet, Penelope?" Zahara asked as she poured a spoonful of sugar into her porridge.

The delegations had grown accustomed to the Hogwarts way of life, which meant relinquishing certain comforts they were accustomed to. Beauxbatons students, for instance, still wrinkled their noses at the sight of the baked beans that appeared on the breakfast table each morning, which endlessly amused Penelope. They were accustomed to much fancier fare.

"No, I don't," Penelope answered, but then grew curious. "Who's the favourite, then?"

Zahara chuckled, taking a sip of her pumpkin juice before replying, "Well, some believe students would naturally favour their champion, but Sufian seems to be in the lead so far."

Penelope vividly recalled the conversation she had overheard between him and his headmaster, back in the hospital wing. It had changed her opinion of him considerably.

"I imagine it's because he won the first task," she replied somewhat dismissively, realising her tone might have been rude a second too late.

Zahara took it in stride, however, for which Penelope was grateful. As she forced herself to swallow some toast, a hand landed on her shoulder.

"Adèle!" Penelope exclaimed as she turned around. "How are you feeling?"

She looked a tad paler than usual, but she remained as confident and poised as ever.


"Aren't you... anxious?" Penelope inquired.

"A bit," Adèle admitted, her smile faltering momentarily. "But I am ready."

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