Chapter 4 : Quidditch tryouts

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They had told him the whole, honest truth, without leaving anything out, as they had promised each other they would do. For a moment after Penelope had finished speaking, the Undercroft was filled with silence. The weight of the revelation hung heavily in the air, and Ominis seemed lost in thought. He looked torn between concern and disbelief.

"Is this what you've been doing all throughout last year?" his expression softened as he processed the information.

She nodded.

"That is a great burden to bear... Why didn't you tell me?"

"I had to beg for her to tell me," interjected Sebastian.

"Professor Fig told me to keep it a secret. So did the Keepers."

"And you listened to them?" Ominis wondered, stunned.

Penelope was a tad offended that he would question her cooperation and reliability.

"Absorbing Ancient Magic?" he repeated, still processing what he had heard. "That's... unheard of. What can you do with that power you were supposed to seal? I suppose you have been using it."

"Well, no. I don't know how to. But Sebastian found a book in the restricted section that could help."

"It's filled with ancient runes," Sebastian continued. "I think they might be instructions."

Ominis shook his head disapprovingly.

"What are you two getting into again..."

"Don't worry Ominis, we have this under control."

"People always think that until they don't. You have to be careful."

"Ominis, she has a gift. We have nothing to fear, trust me."

"And once you control it? What is the goal then?" Ominis asked, seemingly bracing for the answer.

"We... We think this may be the key to curing Anne."

"You're still at this? After everything that's happened last year..."

"This is different Ominis!"

"Ominis, nothing is certain, but we have to try," Penelope tried to calm both boys down.

"At least it's not dark magic related..." sighed Ominis. "I won't help you, but I won't stop you either. Just stay out of trouble."

"You won't tell anyone?" asked Sebastian.

"No. However, if I hear that you're practicing Dark Magic again I..."

"We promise we won't," Penelope said.

Ominis excused himself shortly after, saying he had a lot on his mind after what they had told him. Penelope watched him leave the chamber, his figure disappearing into the shadows. Sebastian and Penelope were alone in the Undercroft again. 

Penelope sighed, her mind swirling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she understood Ominis' concerns. They were indeed playing with dangerous magic, and the risks were undeniable. But on the other hand, she couldn't bear the thought of giving up on Anne, not that she cared, but she knew she was the most important thing in the world to Sebastian. As they stood in the dimly lit Undercroft, Penelope knew their chosen path was fraught with danger. But she also knew that she couldn't turn back now. It was too late.

"I think this went well," Sebastian spoke finally.

"More or less."

"I don't think we could have expected any better", he recognized with a smile. "By the way, how are you feeling?"

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