Chapter 8 : The Goblet

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As the days passed, and the Tournament preparations forged ahead at Hogwarts, Penelope found herself growing increasingly resentful of the way Sebastian looked at Adèle. It was evident he found her captivating, as did everyone who ever laid eyes upon her, and this stirred a strong sense of irritation within her. When glancing at her reflection, she couldn't help but curse the scar that, undoubtedly, diminished her appeal in his eyes.

There had always been a stark contrast in popularity between them both. While Adèle effortlessly garnered admiration and favour from their peers, Penelope remained somewhat in her shadow. Yet, deep down, she knew it wasn't Adèle's fault for being so well-liked. She was naturally charming and agreeable, things Penelope could never be.

Perhaps things hadn't changed at all, as Adèle continued to be the subject of hushed conversations and lingering glances. In the corridors, in the Great Hall, in class... She had it on good authority that a lot of boys would ask Adèle to accompany them to the Yule ball. It was meant to take place on Christmas after the First Task, and Penelope was now worried that Sebastian would be among Adèle's suitors.

Despite all her complicated feelings toward her, she had been supportive and kind to her friend. Her translation skills had become invaluable in facilitating communication, although it often meant translating conversations between Adèle and Sebastian, which always left Penelope seething inwardly.

"Why do you look so angry Penelope? Did we say something?" Imelda inquired while placing a book back onto its designated shelf, perched upon a wooden stepladder.

"It's nothing," she mumbled, barely audible.

"I think I might have an idea..." Ominis chimed in with a smirk.

Penelope shot him a sharp glare in response. He, of course, was well aware of what was happening between the two of them, especially since their outing in Hogsmeade. It was an open secret among everyone acquainted with them.

"I told you I don't want to talk about it. So quit it before I actually do get mad at the both of you," Penelope firmly asserted.

Imelda and Ominis exchanged a knowing glance and shifted their attention back to their tasks as if nothing had happened at all. The library was filled with the soft rustling of pages and the occasional whisper of students. Ms Scribner, the librarian, diligently made her rounds, keeping an attentive eye on the students to ensure that they maintained a quiet environment and returned the books to their proper places on the shelves.

However, the tranquility was soon disrupted as the main door to the library swung open with a soft but distinctive creak near the table where Penelope, Imelda, and Ominis had settled. Sebastian quickly spotted them and made his way in their direction.

"Sorry, I'm late!"

His arrival caused an undeniable shift in the atmosphere at the trio's table. While Imelda and Ominis asked where he had been, Penelope kept her eyes steadfastly fixed on the pages of her book. She was not in the mood to have a conversation with him. The smallest actions, once easily overlooked or perhaps even endearing, now grated on her nerves. It had been that way all week, ever since the arrival of the delegations.

"What's wrong with you three? It's not every day I get to enjoy such electrifying company. I feel like I'm dining with the Bloody Baron..."

The silence that followed his sarcastic quip felt suffocating. She had been struggling to contain her frustration and discomfort all week and now, it seemed like her only recourse was to excuse herself from the table or else it would blow up in her face. Penelope abruptly closed her book and pushed her chair back slowly, producing a scraping sound against the library floor.

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