Chapter 9 : In his eyes

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"Is it her?"

"I think so."

Penelope sighed as she struggled to maintain her focus on her essay. They didn't mean any harm, still the incessant stares and whispers could be quite irritating on a normal day. But it wasn't a normal day, and there hadn't been one since Adèle had been chosen as a champion nearly a week ago.

Penelope's anxiety regarding her friend hadn't waned, despite all the reassurances Adèle had offered her. The thought of losing her was unbearable. Still, life trudged on, and Penelope dutifully attended classes, poured over textbooks, and went to Quidditch practice as usual. 

As she reached for her quill, a scrap of parchment landed before her, breaking her concentration. Irritated, she picked it up and opened it. It was a note in Sebastian's distinctive handwriting, inviting her to meet him in the Undercroft after leaving the Study Hall. A smile crept across Penelope's face as she read the note, and she glanced in his direction.

"Is that a yes?" she read on his lips.

She nodded and returned her attention to her essay, still smiling to herself. She enjoyed spending time with him more than anything in the world. He provided a welcome escape. Maybe he had stumbled upon something new, a potential lead that could bring them closer to their goal. Once she had written down a few hundred more words, she decided it was time to put her quill down. She leaned back in her chair and looked in Sebastian's direction.

He hadn't noticed her yet. His shiny brown hair cascaded into his eyes, partially obscuring his focused gaze as he diligently scribbled away on his parchment, his eyebrows knitted in concentration. Penelope studied his features in silence until he finally felt the weight of her eyes upon him and looked up from his essay. Their eyes met, and they shared a heartfelt smile.

"I'm ready," she mouthed.

Sebastian put down his quill and carefully folded his parchment. He rose from his chair, and together, they gathered their belongings. They left the Study Hall side by side, walking in the direction of the Undercroft.

"You're even more quiet than usual these days," he remarked.

"I've got a lot on my mind."

"I know. But if she's even half the witch you made her out to be, she will be fine."

"You're probably right."

Upon entering the dimly lit Undercroft, they settled down into a secluded corner. The faint flickering of torchlight cast eerie shadows on the ancient stone walls. Sebastian and Penelope began to sift through the events that had led them to this moment.

"Do you have the amulet with you?" Sebastian suddenly asked, curious.

Penelope reached into the pocket of her robes and carefully retrieved the amulet, gazing at it for a moment. She held it up, studying it as if it held the answers to the questions that consumed her.

"Wear it for a minute, and concentrate," Sebastian suggested.

The amulet had no discernible effect on him, most likely because Ancient Magic was beyond his perception. Penelope couldn't help but let her thoughts drift to Professor Fig. She wondered what he would think of her now, of her quest. Undoubtedly, he would be deeply concerned about the path she was treading. Suddenly, among the fleeting memories that danced in her mind, Penelope recognized one.

"Sebastian, it was me and Professor Fig!" she exclaimed, standing up. "I was thinking of him. Do you think it's a coincidence?"

"I'm not sure... Try it with something else," he encouraged her further.

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