Chapter 13 : Glimpses

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Following Sufian's victory, the atmosphere surrounding the Tournament had considerably soured. Long gone were the days of international magical cooperation; the true competition had begun. Despite his commendable performance in the task, Lewis Macmillan had borne the brunt of the criticism. He attempted to keep a low profile and stay out of sight as much as physically possible. Yet, students relentlessly sought him out to express their grievances and criticize him for perceived shortcomings.

Penelope empathized with him, recognizing that if she hadn't successfully captured the snitch just two weeks prior, she would have undoubtedly faced the same harsh treatment. Meanwhile, Adèle had found more contentment in claiming the second place than Penelope had imagined she would. It was surprising, for someone as exceptional, as marvelous as her to accept the runner-up role with such ease. But perhaps that was all strategy.

On that unusually sunny December Saturday, Penelope and her roommates headed outdoors on the castle grounds to soak up the sun. They threw down a blanket to sit on, and Eugenia chipped in some of the monthly provisions her parents sent her. Penelope's grandmother never sent her anything, not even a howler. It had never bothered her until this moment.

"I think the boys will start asking the girls soon! I can't wait to see who ends up with who!" Angelica exclaimed gleefully.

Penelope found the conversation utterly uninteresting. She was preoccupied with more pressing matters. The amulet persisted in revealing visions and speaking to her, leaving her in a state of uncertainty. Moreover, she had never seen the fun in such events.

"Penelope, do you think Sebastian is going to ask you to go with him?" Imelda asked, her gaze filled with curiosity.

"I don't know," Penelope shrugged. "Knowing him he's likely not going at all."

"Well, even if you don't have a date, you must come! It's going to be so much fun," Eugenia chimed in.

Penelope nodded, feigning agreement, though the prospect held little appeal, especially if no one expressed a genuine desire to be her date. If she did have to go, it was on the condition that he asked her. She wouldn't go with anyone else. As she lifted her head, she noticed Sebastian in the distance, engrossed in conversation with Ominis. A curious sensation prickled at the back of her neck as she wondered what they were discussing.

"Look who it is!" Eugenia exclaimed with a delighted giggle, her eyes tracing the direction of Penelope's gaze.

Before she could intervene, the girls began calling Sebastian's name and gesturing for him to join them. Penelope felt her cheeks flush; if her friends had intended to embarrass her, their plan was working all too well. Sebastian turned around, then detached himself from the conversation with Ominis, and walked toward them, his expression a mix of curiosity and mild confusion, no doubt wondering what the commotion was about.

"Yes?" he inquired, reaching the blanket where all four girls were gathered.

"Sallow," Imelda said with a knowing smile. "We were just delving into a crucial matter, and we need your opinion. If you had the power to alter one aspect of Hogwarts, would you make the staircases faster or slower?"

Penelope, feeling a wave of relief wash over her, couldn't help but shoot an irritated glare at the girls for scaring her. The prospect of them calling Sebastian over to discuss the Yule ball had momentarily rattled her nerves.

Sebastian blinked, taken aback by the unexpected question. "Well, I suppose if I had to choose, I'd make them slower."

"I'd make them faster, actually. Picture the amusement as the first years try to keep up," Angelica chimed in with a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

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