Chapter 11 : Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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The morning of the highly anticipated Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor came sooner than expected. However, as the castle buzzed with excitement, Penelope found herself unexpectedly engulfed by an intense nervousness, creating a nauseating sensation within her. The weight of everyone's expectations bore down on her, a pressure that seemed to magnify with each passing moment, overshadowing her initial joy at the prospect of playing in her first-ever Quidditch match.

The aroma of breakfast wafted through the Great Hall as Penelope sat among her fellow Slytherin teammates, who were fervently discussing their strategy for the upcoming match. The clatter of dishes and the hum of conversation filled the air, but Penelope couldn't bring herself to eat. With each passing moment, the knot of nerves in her stomach tightened. Participating in the conversation became a challenge as the nerves overwhelmed her focus. Allan Kendrick, one of the team's chasers, noticed her unease and offered a reassuring smile.

"Greengrass, you've got this. We've got this. Just play like you usually do."

By eleven o'clock, as the team made their way to the Quidditch pitch, Penelope's legs felt like cotton. The cheers of the Slytherin supporters echoed through the air, but to Penelope, the anticipation bordered on suffocating. Her hands grew sweaty, prompting her to wipe them on her Quidditch uniform.

Spotting her friends waiting not far from the pitch entrance, she stopped to greet them. The crisp autumn air carried the excitement of the impending Quidditch match, and the pitch buzzed with anticipation. Sebastian and Ominis were decked out in Slytherin green, and Poppy was dressed in her usual yellow Hufflepuff robes but had compromised with a green scarf for the occasion.

"Ready for the match?" Ominis asked with a smile as she approached them.

Penelope nodded, a tight smile playing on her lips. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

"You're going to crush Gryffindor," Sebastian stated confidently.

She chuckled, grateful for his unwavering belief in her abilities. 

"I'll do my best. Where's Natty?" Penelope asked, scanning her surroundings.

Sebastian pointed toward the stands. 

"Already in her spot. She told us to say good luck!"

Penelope's heart warmed at the thought of her friend's support, even though she was playing against her house.

"What about Adèle?"

"I haven't seen her," replied Sebastian. "She's probably already in the stands too."

"Well, I've got to go now," Penelope said with a smile, attempting to conceal her nervousness. "You should go up and find seats soon or else you'll have to be standing!"

"Don't worry about us," Poppy smiled. "Good luck!"

She started walking toward her teammates, all huddled around Imelda on the pitch. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, and as she stepped onto the field, the cheers of the crowd enveloped her. She glanced back one last time and caught Sebastian's eye. He mouthed encouragingly:

"You can do it!"

With newfound determination, Penelope turned back around, only to be met with an impatient Imelda.

"You took your time!" she snapped at Penelope.

"I'm sorry. I was..."

"Good, now I can start."

Imelda stood proudly before her team, donned in her green and silver Quidditch captain's uniform.

"Today, we're up against Gryffindor in the first match of the season. They might have heart, but we've got strategy. We know their weak spots, and we're going to exploit them. Chasers, make those goals sting. I want every goal to leave a mark. Beaters, keep those bludgers in check and don't hesitate to give Gryffindor a taste of their own medicine. Seeker, keep those eyes sharp for the snitch. And keeper, don't let a single quaffle slip past our defenses. Let's do this!"

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