Chapter 19 : The Yule Ball

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"Penelope, wake up! The gifts are awaiting!" Eugenia's voice tore her from her peaceful sleep.

She awoke and rubbed her eyes. She had dreamed of the Yule Ball. It had been a long, uninterrupted, tranquil dream, one of those dreams you wish to return to as soon as you wake up. Grumbling silently at Eugenia for interrupting her slumber, she slid out of her sheets and inspected the pile of gifts stacked at the foot of her bed.

Imelda had gifted her a book on Quidditch strategy that they had discussed during practice. Angelica's present was an enchanted hairpin that resembled a butterfly in mid-flight, and Eugenia had gotten her an elegant pocket watch. She thanked each one of them profusely, then moved on to the next gift on the pile. On top of it, she found a note with handwriting unmistakably belonging to Sebastian.

"I saw this and thought it suited you perfectly. Merry Christmas, Penelope. — Sebastian"

Penelope's heart raced with anticipation as she unwrapped Sebastian's present. The wrapping paper fell away to reveal a box containing a meticulously crafted wand handle, carved from a rich, dark walnut wood. Running her fingers over the smooth surface, Penelope marveled at the intricacies of the design. The handle felt comfortable and balanced in her hand. It was the perfect gift. Ominis, for his part, had gifted her a finely crafted leather-bound journal, its pages untouched and waiting to be filled. Upon opening the present, a note fell into her lap, which read:

"Merry Christmas Penelope. I hope you find it useful.

P.S. Be careful what you write about me in there, you never know when it might bite you! — Ominis"

Penelope laughed, pondering whether Ominis had truly hexed the journal. He did have a penchant for mischief, after all. The final gift on the pile, from her grandmother, she opened with a lot of care, her fingers trembling. Inside was a small velvet box, cradling a delicate silver tiara. A note accompanied the accessory.

"Dear Penelope,

Your mother has requested this be sent to you. Wear it to the Yule Ball, and make her proud.

Merry Christmas,

— Grandmother"

A bittersweet feeling settled in her chest. Her mother wanted her to have it, which meant she had to be thinking of her. She was glad to have something to connect with her. They had never been close, and Penelope had always felt a strange sensation of distance around her, even as a child. She felt the first waves of sadness wash over her, prompting her to set the tiara aside. She couldn't dwell or mope around on a day such as this one.

Once all the presents were opened, wrapping paper strewn about the floor, she changed into her uniform and made her way to the common room,  abuzz with festive chatter and laughter. She spotted Sebastian and Ominis in the crowd and decided to sneak up on them from behind.


Caught off guard, they both jumped in surprise. Penelope couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Merry Christmas!" she smiled.

"I should've seen that coming, but you got me good," Sebastian laughed. "Merry Christmas Penny."

"I told you not to call me that!"

"Merry Christmas, Penelope. Nice entrance," Ominis put a swift end to their bickering.

"I know, I know. Thank you for the presents, how did you like yours?" she asked.

She had carefully picked out their Christmas presents, believing wholeheartedly that a well-thought-out gift was the best way to show someone you cared about them. In Sebastian's case, she chose a new wizard's chess set. The board, crafted from polished mahogany, matched the material of the chess pieces. Although he already owned one, it bore the marks of age.

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