Chapter 7 : International Magical Cooperation

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As the weekend faded into Monday, the anticipation was at its peak. The student delegations from the two participating schools in the Triwizard Tournament were scheduled to arrive during dinner, and plans were in place for a special feast to celebrate their arrival. Amidst the excitement and speculation ever since school had started, some students had even begun placing bets on which school would follow Uagadou. Many expected the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but Penelope still thought it was much more likely for Beauxbatons to participate.

The atmosphere at the Slytherin table that night was extremely cheerful, as it had been all over the school for the past week. Sebastian had seemingly moved on from what had happened between them, and Penelope had also tried. But their interactions were now devoid of their customary fervor. In fact, ever since they took their seats a few minutes ago, they hadn't engaged in any conversation.

The temptation to confide in Imelda and even perhaps the other girls in the dorm was strong, especially considering they had been a source of comfort and guidance in the past. However, Penelope ultimately decided against it. She felt what was perhaps an irrational fear that voicing her concerns might lead to even more complications. Furthermore, Penelope was steadfast in her determination not to burden Imelda with such trivial matters, considering the responsibilities that already rested on her shoulders as the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. As for Natty and Poppy, Penelope didn't know how to bring it up, so she didn't. Natty wasn't Sebastian's greatest admirer anyway.

The chatter amongst the Hogwarts students was constant as they waited, a mix of excitement and curiosity. Penelope's gaze swept over the decorations and the Enchanted Ceiling, displaying a beautiful constellation over their heads. The Great Hall was decorated more lavishly than ever, with enchanting displays of floating candles and shimmering banners bearing the letter 'H'. The school had appeared even cleaner and more vibrant than usual in the past week, a testament to the dedication of the house-elves and the staff, surely.

"Are they coming soon? I'm starving," sighed Imelda.

Suddenly, a hushed silence fell over the Hall. Everyone turned around to look at the massive wooden door that led to the Great Hall. The anticipation was palpable as everyone held their breath, waiting to catch a glimpse of the first visiting school.

"Uagadou School of Magic!" declared a tall, lean man with a deep complexion, standing at the far end of the Hall near the door.

The giant wooden door swung open, and the booming rhythm of drums filled the air as four men, adorned in traditional attire, played in unison, leading the procession of students. They were followed by their Headmaster, adorned in a vibrant robe made of intricately woven kente cloth. His dark beard framed a weathered face, and his shaven head gleamed under the magical lights, displaying a mosaic of tribal marks. Around his neck, a medallion of intricate design hung, representing the emblem of Uagadou, an elephant.

Heads turned, and whispers rippled across the Hall as the party entered, their colourful and intricately patterned robes flowing gracefully around them. They looked very elegant, she thought as she watched them walk up to the front of the Hall.  They settled at the far end of the Gryffindor table, where more seats had been conjured. Mirroring this arrangement, the Slytherin table had also expanded to accommodate additional students. Penelope surmised that the rest of the students from Uagadou would occupy those seats.

Her attention was now fixed on the entrance, as the gathered students waited for the next school to enter with much more anticipation. After what felt like an eternity, the announcement for Beauxbatons Academy of Magic resonated through the hall, as it had for Uagadou minutes earlier. The anticipation peaked as the doors swung open. The Beauxbatons students, adorned in garments of ethereal blue, seemingly floated into the hall. Their uniform was replete with intricate embroidery and delicate lace and exuded a timeless charm. Matching hats adorned with a single feather added an extra touch to their attire.

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