Chapter 12 : The first task

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"Ladies and gentlemen, gather 'round! The 1891 edition of the Triwizard Tournament is about to commence!" the magical commentator's voice resonated across the arena, magnified by the Amplifying charm.

Perched atop levitating platforms, students from every school leaned in with palpable eagerness, their eyes fixed upon the arena below. Each platform shifted slightly, adjusting its position to offer the best view of the upcoming trial on the arena floor. A thunderous wave of excitement swept through the arena as the Wondervisual Arcane Luminary ignited.

Earlier, the Luminary had been unveiled, crafted with ornate frames and intricately carved magical symbols. This device, designed to project the champions' images during the task, stood at an impressive ten feet in height and fifteen feet in width. A prototype, but a wonder to behold according to some. Yet, Penelope remained sceptical. The concept struck her as peculiar, and she couldn't help but question the inner workings behind it.

"Quite the setup, isn't it?" Sebastian asked as he shifted nervously beside Penelope.

"Don't worry, you won't fall."

A network of enchanted barriers enclosed the entire arena, and served to safeguard spectators from accidental falls and injuries. The task unfolded in an arena purposefully designed for the event, nestled somewhere within the mountains surrounding Hogwarts. Attendees had to utilize portkeys to access the location. While the majority of the audience consisted of students, adult wizards had traveled from distant places to witness the event.

Penelope's gaze remained unwavering, fixated on the Luminary, her thoughts drifting. She wondered how Adèle felt, in this moment—was she gripped by fear, consumed by regret, or perhaps, brimming with excitement? The image of Adèle confronting whatever challenges lay ahead filled Penelope's mind, and a wave of concern swept over her.

I know she's brave, but this is different.

Penelope's fingers absentmindedly traced the handrail as she contemplated all the potential outcomes of this first task.

Adèle, please be safe.

A quiet hush descended upon the audience, collective breaths held as the champions stepped into the arena. As their faces became clearer on the Luminary, the silence soon turned into cheers and applause, enthusiasm spreading like wildfire. Colourful banners and flags, crafted by the students themselves, danced in the air.

Penelope received some glares for enthusiastically cheering for Adèle, but she paid them no mind. Adèle was her friend above all, irrespective of the tournament. The champions donned a uniform ensemble, each dressed in elegant black robes that cascaded gracefully to the floor. The fabric, uniform in color, bore a subtle sheen. Black silk capes were draped over their shoulders.

Adorning the chest of each champion, standing out against the dark colour of their attire, was the unique crest representing their individual schools. The symbols gleamed in silver and gold embroidery. The emblem of Uagadou bore the majestic image of an elephant, its powerful form etched with intricate details. The pachyderm was, according to some, a symbol of wisdom and resilience.

As for Beauxbatons, the letter 'B' adorned the center, encircled by an intricate arrangement of two golden wands crossed over one another, from which three stars shot forth on either side. Hogwarts' emblem depicted the four houses. At its core, the central letter 'H' was surrounded by the heraldic representations of Gryffindor's courageous lion, Slytherin's cunning snake, Ravenclaw's wise eagle, and Hufflepuff's loyal badger.

Adèle moved with her usual regal grace, every step an embodiment of the elegance Beauxbatons was so well known for. Her presence radiated poise, a quiet assurance that commanded attention. Sufian exuded an almost palpable confidence; his gaze sweeping assuredly across the arena. Lewis, mirroring the expression he wore upon his selection, sustained a determined gaze, his face retaining a pallor that betrayed underlying fear.

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