Chapter 15 : Unraveling

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News of the incident in the hospital wing had swiftly circulated through the castle by dinnertime. Whispers and hushed conversations echoed through the corridors as students told various renditions of the story. The whispers intensified whenever Penelope was in the vicinity. Some embellished the details, while others tried to uncover the truth behind the rumours.

She had declined to answer any questions. While Penelope was still resting in the hospital wing the night before, Adèle had come to seek answers and demanded the truth. While Penelope trusted her, sharing such a secret required a significant leap of faith. She was selective about whom she chose to tell. Fortunately, Adèle had accepted Penelope's revised version of the story.

Ominis, on the other hand, had learned the truth from Sebastian, seemingly burdened by guilt, before Penelope could get to him. Since then, he steadfastly avoided any conversation with either of them. According to Sebastian, Ominis resented them both for deceiving him once more but his anger was particularly directed at Sebastian due to the harm inflicted upon Penelope.

On the ensuing Monday morning, she attended her classes as usual, now fully recovered from her injury and the subsequent blood loss. During their Charms class, where the sole audible sounds were the hushed scribbling of notes and Professor Ronen's measured voice, the classroom door abruptly swung open. A prefect stepped in, his gaze fixed firmly on Penelope and Sebastian.

It was the same student who had interrupted their conversation in the Slytherin common room, months ago. Their classmates' subdued whispers and curious glances accompanied the prefect as he approached, instructing them to report to Professor Weasley's office promptly. Stepping out of the classroom, the murmurs grew in intensity, and all eyes seemed to be on Penelope and Sebastian. In the corridor, a handful of students shot curious glances their way, promptly turning to gossip with their friends.

The prefect escorted them in silence. Uneasy glances passed between Penelope and Sebastian, their steps echoing in the quiet corridors as they wound through the maze leading to the deputy headmistress's office. They hadn't had the opportunity to discuss their version of events and ensure it aligned. The prefect administered two knocks on the wooden door, and it slowly creaked open. Professor Weasley's discerning eyes fell upon them both, and Penelope could instantly sense that they were in deeper trouble than she initially thought.

"Come in. Thank you, Selwyn," Professor Weasley acknowledged the prefect.

Selwyn nodded, casting a lingering glance at Penelope and Sebastian before turning to leave. As the door closed behind him, Penelope and Sebastian found themselves alone in the room, the uncertainty of their fate hanging over them. Professor Weasley gestured for them to take a seat in front of her desk. The walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of old tomes. As they settled into their chairs, Professor Weasley's stern expression hinted at the gravity of the situation.

"I believe you both know why you're here," she began, her gaze penetrating. "Sebastian, Penelope, I expect the truth. No secrets, no omissions. You may find the consequences of dishonesty far less forgiving than the circumstances that led you to my office today."

"It was my fault, we..."

Penelope shot a glance at him, subtly shaking her head—an unspoken signal for him to stop talking. Having meticulously crafted the perfect narrative during her time in the hospital wing, she was confident they could escape unscathed if he allowed her to tell it.

"Yesterday afternoon, we ventured into the Forbidden Forest and unexpectedly encountered a wounded unicorn, surrounded by poachers. We couldn't leave it in distress, so we intervened and successfully defeated the poachers. But, in our attempt to tend to the creature's injuries, it grew agitated and lashed out at us. It was a narrow escape, but we rushed back to the castle immediately."

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