Chapter 18 : Gladrags Wizardwear

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Penelope spent the entirety of Friday morning thinking of how to subtly let Sebastian know about her interest, as Adèle had suggested. But no opportunity to do so had presented itself. By the time they both headed to detention at three o'clock, Penelope couldn't shake a growing sense of frustration. She knew it was irrational, but she couldn't help it.

As they completed their assigned tasks in silence, Penelope's resentment remained, lingering just beneath the surface. She stole occasional glances at Sebastian, perplexed as to why he had appeared so jealous if he didn't plan to ask her to the Yule Ball soon. Upon leaving detention, the atmosphere between Penelope and Sebastian had become noticeably tense.

"It's finally over. No more detention!" Sebastian broke the silence.

Penelope remained silent, her gaze fixed ahead as they walked through the stone corridor.

"What is it?" he asked. "Aren't you glad we don't have to sit in silence anymore?"

"I guess."

"Are we really doing this again?" Sebastian sighed.

Penelope, aware of the potential consequences of a confrontation, intended to leave it at that. But there was this gnawing feeling inside of her that suggested she should do the opposite.

"Alright," she said. "I'll tell you. Why do you act that way if you're not even going to ask me to go to the Yule Ball with you? If you're not interested, why do you care who I go with?"


Penelope rolled her eyes and began to walk away. "Wait," Sebastian pleaded as he followed her. "Listen, I was going to ask you, but then you said you weren't going. I wasn't sure you were into this kind of event in the first place, so..."

"What?" she froze in her steps.

"Isn't that what you said yesterday? That you weren't planning on going?"

"Yes, but I..."

She paused. It all made sense now. How could she be so foolish to think he wouldn't pick up on that? She had meant it as a clue for him to pry into her reasoning, but instead, he had taken her word for it, which she could hardly blame him for.

"Is that why you said no to them? You wanted to go with... me?" he asked her, hesitant at his conclusion.

Penelope nodded, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. "I didn't mean that I wouldn't go at all, I just didn't want to go with anyone else."

"So you'll go with me? As friends?" he questioned her.

"Of course," Penelope replied with a smile, although she wished he hadn't pronounced those last few words.

Sebastian nodded, a smile breaking across his face. "Great. I was hoping you'd say that."

The tension between them had completely melted away, having been replaced by a hint of awkwardness. As they resumed walking, Penelope decided she was going to tease him with more of the truth.

"You know, when I turned them down, they both assumed I was already going with you."

"Did they?" he asked her, his curiosity piqued. "And what did you tell them?"

"I said no, but they're going to think I was lying now."

Sebastian chuckled. "Well, I guess I've made you into a liar once again. Sorry about that."

Penelope laughed. She felt an overwhelming sense of happiness bubbling within her as they made their way to the common room, something unlike anything she had ever experienced before.

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