Stalkers and scandals

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Charles' pov:

During my run, I decided to stop at my favorite coffee shop. I needed a big cup of coffee so badly after last night. This place is honestly way too expensive but it's definitely worth it for what they are giving you. I get my order and as I make my way out of the shop one particular table catches my attention. I see Belle with some guy and I go towards them not caring about what was going on.

"Good morning, my favorite stalker." I say with a big smirk.

"Good morning to you too, just a regular liar" Uh, that hurt.

I take a quick look at the man sitting in front of her. Shit. Belle noticed that and as she was about to tell me who that was I walked away and continued running. At least I was close to my car.

What the fuck is she doing with him? 

Belle's pov:

"You are friends with Charles Leclerc?" Wow, thanks Charles for ruining my date. Now we have to talk about you...

"Friends is a big word for what we are but yea, I guess we know each other." I wasn't lying. We weren't friends or anything. We wouldn't be even talking if it wasn't for my father.

"Oh come on, it's obvious that you are close. I've always dreamt of working for him when I get to that point after I finish my scholarship." This almost made me choke on my drink. After he finishes his what?!

"Oh, you are still studying?" 

"Yea, it's my last year. You look surprised?" Yes, bitch. Of course I am surprised.

"I just thought you were working already, that's all."

After saying that I hear my phone ringing. Thank god. It was my best friend Sara. She was also my PR manager. Yea... I have a PR manager. We met at university three years ago and clicked right away. I begged my parents to let her work for us since she was searching for a job like that and after seeing her impressive CV they agreed.

"Girl, you need to come over right now. A lot of shit is happening, can't talk about it over the phone."

"Are you okay?" Matt looks at me when he hears my worried voice.

"Just get your ass here as fast as you can." She ended the call so I got up almost forgetting about the fact that I wasn't here alone.

"Is everything alright?"

"I don't know but I have to go, I'm sorry. I had a great time though." I was honest. It was great until I found out that he was younger than me.

"Maybe we can do it again sometime?" No.

"Yes, sure." I just smiled at him and left without giving him anything to contact me later. Sorry, not sorry.

As I walk out I see that it had started raining outside. Great, I didn't call my driver to pick me up... As I thought about it, a car door opens in front of me waiting. I don't see who is inside but by taking a look at the car it was obvious. I get in without even thinking about it since I was already soaking wet.

"Who is the stalker now, Leclerc?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. I was going home and I thought you may need a ride in this rain."

"He was gonna drive me." When Charles heard me saying that he just laughed at me, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What's so funny?"

"Does Matt even has a driver's license?"

"How do you know his name?"

"I'm a stalker remember? But jokes aside, don't mess with that dude, alright?"

"And why wouldn't I, daddy?" I realized how wrong this sounded just after it came out of my mouth but it's done so just gonna pretend it was planned and forget it.

"First, ew, disgusting. Second, he has a bad history. Just trust me on this one."

"You can't just drop this on me and not tell me how you know him or what has happened. Oh, turn left here."

"Ain't I driving you home?"

"Nah, I'm going to my best friend's. Don't change the subject, I want answers."

"You won't be getting them now." He gets out of the car and goes behind it to open the truck. Then he gets to my door and gives me his hand to help me get out. I get handed a red umbrella and see him walking back to the driver's seat without saying a word. Why is he acting so weird? He drives off so I go to the front door and knock. Sara opens the door for me and I can't miss noticing the worried look on her face. Suddenly, her eyes land on the umbrella in my hands.

"Why do you have this?"


"The Ferrari umbrella. How did you get this?" Fuck, of course it was a Ferrari one. Obsessed idiot.

"Oh, uhm, Charles drove me here and gave it to me."

"Amazing, another PR scandal."

"What do you mean?"

"Today's interview? There are hundreds of articles about it already. We need to figure it out."

"But- But the interviewer was the one who crossed the line, it wasn't my fault for not being able to handle it?!"

"I know, hun. You just need to make a statement about it which we are going to post as fast as we can and then we are gonna talk to your parents, okay?"


I have a feeling that this is not going to end well for me...

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