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Belle's pov:

"You sure I look good enough?" I've been staring at myself in the mirror for the past half an hour. During that time, I changed four outfits and even more pairs of shoes. Carlos' reflection shows up in the mirror behind me, his hands around my waist.

"You look better than just "good enough"." While pressing a few kisses on my neck, I hear him whisper. "And honestly... I can't wait to take off that dress off you tonight."

It took me all the strength that I had, to not get weak and to keep my cool even though I knew I was going to think about it all night. After we got ready, our driver was already in front of the hotel. Charles and his PR manager were coming with us too. I never figured it out, why she was here but I remember her from the Monaco Grand Prix when she interrupted our talk. Carlos was already in the car and I was about to follow when someone's footsteps cane closer to me.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Annabelle! Charles' PR manager." Her hand was waiting for mine to shake and as much as I didn't want to, I couldn't leave her hanging.

"Hi. Belle."

"Oh, trust me, I know..."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"All the rumours about you and Charles having a thing? I took care of them."

"Oh, yeah, sure... Rumours..." The look on her face was golden. I knew this would hit the right spot. I had no idea why it was so enjoyable making her mad but damn right I'm gonna keep doing it.

"Oh, Belle, hi! I see you two already met?" And here he is.

"Yea, such a pleasure." I put on my fakest smile knowing that Charles noticed it.

The three of us get into the car where Carlos had poured champagne in our glasses. He hands me mine and rests his hand on my shaking leg while leaning closer to my ear.

"It's going to be alright. I'm with you." It's always going to be a mystery for me, how a few words and a kiss on the cheek from him, can calm me down in just a second.

We arrive at a very fancy restaurant where a waiter brings us to our table. By the big group of people in front of me, I suppose that almost, if not everyone is here. I see Pierre coming towards me while I'm waiting away from the table for Carlos to greet the others.

"Heyy, it's my favourite paddock girl!" We share a short hug which I was thankful for. His appearance makes me feel a little bit more wanted in this company.

"Hi, Pierre."

"Wow, you don't seem that excited to see me..." He pretended to be offended but I think a bit of it was real.

"Sorry, it's not that. I'm just nervous to meet everyone."

"Nah, don't worry about it, ma belle. Almost everyone is nice here."

"Almost?" I don't get any answer before Carlos comes to me and takes my hand.

"Guys, this is Belle. I want you all to meet her and behave normally... don't embarrass me."

"Uhh, sounds like boy has got a crushh!"

"Shut the fuck up, Daniel."

"Sure... Nice to meet you, Belle. You've got a great taste." Dani was a lot taller than me and had the biggest smile of all. He brought me into a tight hug and I immediately forgot about my nerves. He was like a walking therapy.

We all sit down and start ordering drinks. In front of me, there were Charles and Annabelle and I was between Carlos and an empty chair.
"Who is not here yet?"

"Uhm, I honestly don't know. Guys! Who are we waiting for?"

"Actually, I have to tell you something. Can we talk outside?" A very sweet looking man stood up from the other side of the table, looking like he was gonna throw up. Him and Carlos went out, leaving me with no one around. Surprisingly, the curly boy from today that got me my sandwich, took the free chair next to me and we started talking. I can't say that I didn't enjoy getting to know him.

Charles' pov:

I went outside when Carlos began to introduce Belle to everyone. Once I had hoped to be the one to do that. It hurt seeing someone taking it away from me.

I hear the door opening behind me and I see Lewis and Carlos getting out of the restaurant. I couldn't underatand what they were talking about until Sainz raised his voice.

"What do you mean you invited her? Why?"

"Well, I didn't know you had broken up  man. You could have told me, you know our girls always get an invitation..."

"You could have asked. Do you know in what position you are putting me in right now?" I couldn't just stay and watch anymore. He was getting angrier by the second.

"What's going on, guys?"

"Ask Lewis... He is the one who invited my ex and she is going to be here any minute, while the girl that I like is sitting inside, not having a damn clue."

"You invited Isa?!"

"I didn't know, man!"

"Just go back and act like nothing happened. I'll take care of Carlos." Lewis listened to me and went inside leaving us alone.

"I don't need you to- " Without caring about what he was going to say, I interrupt him.

"Shut up. I just want you to know that if you hurt her, I'll destroy you. I mean it. She has been through enough so I dont care how you are going to fix this but do it quickly."

Leaving him there speachless, I go back to the restaurant. I hope he understood what I told him. Maybe there was no hope for me and Belle but that doesn't mean I was not going to protect her at all costs. When I walk in, she stands up and asks me where Carlos was.

"He is outside. I think he needs to talk to you."

"What's wrong?"

"Ask him yourself."

Not giving me a response, she goes out the door. I take my place and immediately go for my glass. I will be in need of these drinks if I wanted to go through the whole night. Annabelle was telling me to slow down with the alcohol which made me feel like a teenager again. I couldn't stand the thought of staying with her for the rest of the dinner and the club after. I couldn't also stand the thought of not knowing what was going on with Belle outside, right now...


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