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Charles' pov:

I wake up after one of the best sleeps I've had in a while. I guess Belle had been turning around a lot during the night since I'm now facing her back and hugging her from behind with my hand on her waist. Her hair was all over my face but it smelled too good to complain.

Today it was Thursday which meant media day so I had to get up and get ready. I tried to do it in the quietest way possible but while fixing my hair, Belle's phone started ringing. I went to switch it off so she can continue her sleep, only to regret my decision. She had heard the ringing and started to wake up.

"Why is Carlos calling you?"


"Your phone says Carlos Sainz." Belle was still sleepy and it was hard for her to understand and answer me properly. But I didn't have the time or the patience to let it go.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it later."

"No, you know what? I'm tired of being the only one trying to make things right. I have to go to the paddock so you can leave now. I need to lock the door."

"Wait, are you seriously mad at me without even giving me a chance to explain?"

"You literally just refused to explain?!"

"Yea, because I woke up two minutes ago, give me a break!"

"Sure. I'm giving you a break. As long as you want. Now get out so I can leave too."

She can be mad at me all she wants but this is too much for me. I can't waste my time on thinking about what's going on with her every single day. Especially not on a race weekend. I leave the hotel and get into my car trying to fix my mood before meeting any fans. They don't deserve to see me like this.

Belle's pov:

This is insane. I literally feel like Charles has lost his mind at this point. He looked really done with me but I won't even try to change that. He can do whatever he wants.

On my way to my room I meet Sara and make plans with her to go on a walk around Barcelona together in an hour.

I knock on the door before getting in. We had our boundaries after all.

"Who is it?" His voice sounded like he had just woken up.

"It's Belle."

"Come in." He was standing in front of the mirror fixing his hair. Half naked, I must say.

"Why are you always shirtless, Sainz."

"Are you complaining, Grimaldi?" I really wasn't. Who would?

"Not really."

"Great. I'm going to be late so I gotta run, I'm sorry. Also the room is all yours until like 5 pm probably."

"I'm going out so I'm not gonna be here either."

"When are you coming back?"

"I have no idea, why?"

"Nah, nevermind."

"No, I hate it when people do that. Why are you asking?"

"I thought that we could maybe use the free dinner at the hotel tonight... But it's okay if you have other plans."

"8 pm?"


"Is it okay for the dinner to be at 8?"

"Belle, we are literally living in the same room. We don't need a schedule."

"Fine then, be back on time. I'll be too."

"Whatever you say."

"Wait you don't believe me that I'll be on time?"

"You said it, not me."

"Get out! You are late anyways." I throw a pillow at him which makes him run to the door. I'm finally alone so I can start getting ready to meet with Sara.

It's two hours after we met and we are now eating lunch at some restaurant. Honestly there is a lot to unpack even though we haven't seen each other only since last night.

"So... how did the clubbing went with Arthur? You two seem to get along."

"Uhm, it was fine, I guess." She was definitely hiding something. Sara is the type of person who loves to talk and explain every little detail so this answer made me pretty suspicious. I gave her the look that tells her to spill the tea.
"We- ugh for fucks sake."

"Heyy, you can tell me anything, you know that."

"I know it's just- I don't know if you are going to take it well."

"Well, try me."

A big sigh came out of her mouth as she was gaining courage to tell me.
"We had- we had sex."



"NO, WAIT! I'm happy for you, it was obvious that you two had something going on! Why would I be mad about it?"

"Well, I don't know! Your best friend sleeping with your crush's little brother?"

"My what?"

"Oh, come on! I'm not blind. I know that there is something going on with you and Charles."

"You are mistaken. We even had a fight before I left his room this morning."

"What were you doing in his room?"

"I fell asleep there after we left. He started acting like a dick the second I woke up. I'm not thinking of talking to him soon."

"What did you fight about?"

"Oh, that's one long story. So..." I told her everything about how I had to share a room with Carlos and about his call that made Charles angry.

"Why does he even get to say anything about who is calling you?"

"Well I guess it's because we promised to be more open to each other. So the fact that I didn't tell him about the whole story with his friend felt like I didn't keep my promise? I have no idea..."

"At least is Carlos hot? Is it worth the trouble?"

"Oh, it is so worth it..."

"Then Leclerc can go fuck himself."

"Which Leclerc, huh?"

"Shut uppp!" Sara hits me playfully in the arm and we continue eating and talking. When we are about to pay the bill I feel the need to go shopping so that's the next thing we do. At one of the many shops that we went to, I got my eyes glued on one little black dress without sleeves.

"Don't you already have a similar one?" I guess I had stared at it for too long for Sara to notice.

"But I didn't bring it."

"Yea, because you use it only when you want to feel slutty on dates."

"That's true." Her questionable look made me laugh. "Carlos and I are going to have dinner together. The free one from the hotel that I told you they gave us, remember?"

"Yes, but is this a date?"

"I have no idea."

"Do you want it to be?"

That was a very good question that I didn't have the answer to. I wouldn’t say that I don't feel attracted to him though, so this dinner could help me a lot to decide if I have any feelings towards him.

I tried the dress on and bought it the moment I saw myself in it. It was perfect. Sara bought herself a dress for her date with Arthur tonight too. I'm genuinely so happy for them. From what she told me, she is really happy with him. At least on of the brothers know how to treat a girl.

We are now back at the hotel. When I went inside, Carlos was already in our room, trying on shirts for tonight.

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