The hotel room

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Charles' pov:

We just arrived at the airport and the first thing we see is a big crowd of paparazzi. Me and Arthur immediately stepped in front of the girls, who obviously felt uncomfortable. Thinking that all of these people were here for me and my brother, to ask questions before the race, I got proven wrong the moment I heard them speak.

"Belle, are you going for a job at F1 after leaving your family?"
"Is everything a PR scheme or you are really giving up on your royal title?"
"You've been seen with Charles Leclerc a lot recently. What's the reason behind this?"

"Come on, get in." Belle blindly followed my instructions, clearly overwhelmed by all this. I could say the same about myself since I had no idea what these people were talking about.

We were now all sitting inside the plane, which was mine, since I travelled a lot because of the races. Me and Arthur sat next to each other while Belle and Sara were facing us. This made it harder for me to ask her about what the paparazzi said. I didn't want to do it in front of everyone. She finally looked at me which is what I was waiting for, so I nodded discreetly to the door that was separating the plane in two rooms, hinting that we need to talk in private. She just shaked her head as a no. This annoyed me but I had to give her the space she needed so I let it go. After a while I feel my eyes getting heavier and I fall asleep thinking of every possible outcome when I finally ask about the truth behind all of this.

Belle's pov:

This was a disaster. I guess the news about me leaving the family had already spread around, so the worst was just about to hit me in the face.

My heartbeat hasn't slowed down since the paparazzi situation so I had to take my anxiety pills. The only thing that I was waiting for is to be the only one who is awake so they don't see me. I don't mind if Sara does because she knows but the Leclercs... We are not that close. I open the tiny box that is always with me and take one.

"What's that for?" Fuck.

"Doesn't matter."

"Can we talk? You can't avoid talking to me about it the whole weekend."

"Hm, watch me." I was completely serious. There was no point of bringing my family situation up. It would only make him even more overprotective of me.

"Bella." Ugh, he knows how weak it makes me when he calls me that. I never managed to hide it.

"Fine. But be quiet because if anyone gets woken up, I'm not talking about it again."

"You have my word."

We go into the other part of the plane to be alone. I sit at the couch while Charles goes to the minibar filled with RedBull.

"Ironic, huh?" I say with a smile when he hands me one, trying to keep the upcoming conversation as far as possible.

"We don't have time for small talk. Tell me what all this was about. Are you really giving up on your family?"


"But that's your blood?!" Charles was known by everyone for being a family guy. I knew he wouldn't understand.

"My blood is supposed to protect me no matter what. I never had that, so I am not obligated to stand by them."

"What do you mean you never had that? You said it yourself in that interview how they never pressured you and gave you all the time you needed."

"Oh so you too watched it, great..."

"Belle, just tell me the whole story, it's not that hard!"

"Why are you getting mad at me?"

"Because you are keeping things from me! After the conversation in the kitchen I really thought that we were good again!"

"And we are! I'm sorry that I'm not willing to talk for hours about the fact that my own family doesn't want to help me through my anxiety attacks because they are embarrassed of me!"

I don't even wait for him to respond before getting out of the room and going to the others. Luckily they were still asleep. I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone.

After the long rest of the flight we finally arrive in Barcelona. The weather is sunny and a bit too warm for me. I'm more of a winter girl but it's still fine. Charles and Arthur had cars waiting for them at the airport to use while being here.

"Belle, you can go with Charles, I will drive Sara. We will all meet in front of the hotel."

"Nah, I'm coming with you. If you are okay with it." All three of them are staring at me like I'm crazy.

"Uhm- Well yea, it's not a problem." I put my luggage in Arthur's car and we drive off. The GPS gave us a signal that we are where we are supposed to be and I can only say that the hotel looked amazing. We wait for Charles and Sara and get in.

"Girls, here are your keys. We are all on the same floor so if there's anything, you can come to us." Keys? As in multiple? Me and my best friend share the same look on our faces. She knew how much I hated sleeping alone at new places.

"Isn't there a possibility of us being in one room?"

"I think it's too late, I'm sorry... You can stay together the whole day, you will only need to sleep by yourselves." That's the problem, idiot. Is it possible for Charles to make things worse?

We all get inside our rooms but what I see in mine leaves me speachless. A man, chilling on the bed shirtless. A really good looking man.

"I didn't know that there was a bonus for new guests." After I said that, he stood up looking at me with shock written all over his face.

"Uh, I'm sorry but you are in a wrong room. Surprisingly, mine."

"I don't think so? Look at my key." I give it to him and he nods after seeing the numbers on it.

"Let's go to the reception and figure this out." We go to the first floor only to get our hopes destroyed.

"I'm so sorry but there are not any other rooms available since it's a race weekend. This room was booked under both of your names. There is nothing we can do. For an apology, here is a card for free drinks and a free dinner at the hotel. You can use it whenever you want while staying here."

"How generous..." His sarcasm could cut the air. I loved it. Still, our situation was far from solved. "Hey, uhm, do you want to get the drinks now? We could find a way to get out of this."

"Yea, sounds great." He seems nice. Nothing could go wrong.

"Look, I'm out all day, I just need a room to sleep in. So basically it's all yours until the night."

"Wait, wait. You want to share it?"

"Do we have a better option?"

"I mean I could stay at my best friend's room." After hearing myself I felt terrible. Not only that I stayed at her house all this time while dealing with my shit, now I want to use her space again...

"Oh I didn't know you had where to go. In that case the choice is all yours."

"You know what, it's just five days. We can do it."

"Of course we can. See, we already get along."


Who could that good looking man be? You will find out in the next chapter, so keep reading.

How do you find the story so far? I hope that my writing is improving, I'm really trying. And I hope you will like the upcoming drama ;)

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