None of your business

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Mentioning drugs!


I couldn't stop thinking about it since I saw her with Matt. She clearly didn't know about his past. If she did, she wouldn't be with him. I texted her a few times to check if everything is alright. I knew it wasn't my place to do so but I can't let her get hurt. After she didn't answer my messages and calls I finally decided to show up to her best friend's house. We yelled at each other a bit and now we are in my car driving around Monaco. It was always so beautiful at night.

"So?" Her voice filled the air making the tension in me disappear a little. I had no idea of how this conversation was gonna go.


"Don't play dumb, Leclerc..."

"I'm not playing dumb, you said you wanted answers. Give me questions."

"Fine. How do you know Matt?" 

"We grew up together."

"Why do you want me to stay away from him?"

"Cuz I'm jealous." The look on her face was golden. Wish I could have taken a picture. "I'm kidding stop looking at me like that."

"Ugh, fucking idiot. Talk!"

"He is a drug addict." When Belle heard that she started laughing. 

"So funny Charles, come on..." I feel myself getting angry at her for not taking it seriously. She notices and goes quiet.

"Wait. You are serious?"

"Of course I am serious, Belle, I wouldn't joke about something like that."

"It can't be true, he looks nothing like it."

"Because he went to rehab. He says that he stopped using."

"Then he stopped, what is the problem? He looks completely healthy."

"This was his second time and honestly I don't think that it is going to be the last. You shouldn't be near him, you understand?"

"In my world, we give people a second chance, Charles. I guess you haven't heard of it." That's it. I stop the car and get out of it, hoping that she will do the same and she does. I can't drive in my state right now.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not driving you back until you promise me not to talk to him ever again."

"I know the way back, I don't need you to drive me. And I most certainly don't need you to keep track of which man I am going out with, alright? It's none of your business!"

"So you won't listen to me?"

"No, Charles. Do you know how long I waited for the right person to come into my life after my last relationship? Well, I'm tired of doing that, just because I am scared of ending up in the same situation as I did before. I deserve to be happy."

"He can't make you happy, Belle."

"I don't remember asking you for love advice." After saying that she begins to walk away from me and the car. I run to her grabbing her hand to make her stop. Why would she flinch like this? "Do not touch me!" She finally faces me and I see her eyes filling with tears.

"I know you can't stand me right now and honestly I'm mad at you too but please let me drive you back to your best friend's place. You shouldn't walk alone."

Without saying a word, she gets into my car and I sigh in relief. At least I knew she was safe when she was with me. A few minutes later I remember something that I didn't have an answer to. It was my time to ask questions. 

"Belle?" The only thing she did was to look at me waiting to hear the next thing that I had to say. "Why did you have your phone turned off?"

"Also none of your business."

"Are you okay?" She turned her head to the window on her side avoiding eye contact. That answered my question. I stayed quiet during the rest of the ride since I didn't want us to fight again. This doesn't mean that my mind wasn't filled with worried thoughts about her.

We arrived and as she was going to close the car door behind her I stopped it.

"Please, turn on your phone. I just want to know that you are safe. Leave me on seen when I text you if you want, it's still enough."

She closed the door without answering me and went into the house without looking back. I felt like I couldn't drive away. After ten minutes spent sitting in the parking lot, I decide to leave.

Belle's pov:

After I explained everything that happened to Sara, making her almost have a heart attack, I took a shower and went to bed. This day felt way too long and terrible to be true. Before I fell asleep I decided to turn on my phone. Then I found Matt's Instagram and texted him to hang out tomorrow. I needed a distraction from everyone around me right now. He agreed and we decided to go to the beach in the evening and then go to the club that was near. I think it sounds like the perfect way to forget about everything. As I was about to put my phone away, I got a message from Charles.


Thank you.

I guess he saw that I was online. I left him on seen and decided to go to sleep. All the things he told me were still running through my mind leaving me wondering if he was right about any of it. 

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