Its a beautful night

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Fuck, to be honest I don't know if I really want to go out tomorrow night. I'm definitely a homebody I prefer to just drink at home. I don't really need any sort of human interaction to have fun or enjoy someone's company. I decide it might be best to get my mind off of her even if but for a moment so I say fuck it I'm down I gotta immediately start charging my social battery so I can be outside for more than an hour.

"Yeah fuck it I'm down" I reply in the chat

"No way" my friend Steve Replied

"He lives" said Josh

"Haha very funny, but nah fr though my bad, I've been getting caught up in a bunch of shit and I feel like I haven't been managing my time" why do I feel like I have to apologize

"You're chillin bro don't worry about it" Steve types back

"We're always here man" Josh says almost instantly

"Sounds like a plan then gentlemen I'll see y'all tomorrow night" Adam confirms with us

I sigh disappointed it wasn't her but also glad I can maybe distract myself now. I sit back in my chair and think about this situation. Idk if I'm ever going to be in her presence again so maybe I should get over it already.

I set my phone down but instantly it dings again I turn it over and see her name in my phone ask and you shall receive I guess I smile instantly and my mood has peaked.


Yes shorty?

I'm home :(

That's good :)

No it's not

Why not what's wrong?

I won't lie in getting a bit worried about her so I'm anxiously awaiting for her reply in case I need to go het her and bring her here.

You're not here

I know I'm sorry

Can I see you soon?

I've been loving how clingy and attached she is to me she's so needy and normally with any other girl I'd be a bit disgusted and annoyed but because it's her I find it so hot.

Yes you can



I'm a bit busy tomorrow but the next day should be good for me

Yeah forsure, I'll be going out tomorrow night anyway. I do need to see you though

I hope she doesn't think I'm going out to get away from her because that couldn't be farther from the truth Its like I'm addicted to who she is? Im just looking at my phone waiting to see those three dots while smiling

Who are you going out with?

Is she jealous? I haven't even mentioned what I was doing even though it's most likely clubbing like we also do while Josh and Steve try to pick up random girls

Just some of my old friends from high school, we still hang out every once in awhile but since we're all doing different things we've separated a little bit

sounds good i guess

shes totally jealous but I wonder why shes the one who had plans in the first place so Idk why shes being like this

                                                                                                                                               ill make it up to you I promise

I message back quickly hoping i didnt completely fuck everything up

i gotta get ready for an interview ill brb

Perfect lmk when you're done

                                                                                                                                                well I think its safe to say its over ill just let this sit and see where it goes. I turn my phone off and flip it over I feel nauseous all of a sudden. I close everything on my computer and go lay down. Im a bit sad but I push those thoughts outside of my mind.I put on some classical dark piano and go to sleep not even bothering to set my alarm.

I wake up the next morning miserable I lay in bed far longer than I'm used to I connect my phone to the speakers in my gym and shuffle a playlist I figure there's nothing better than getting started with a workout maybe that'll help ease my mind.
30 minutes go by and I decide to call it there still in my underwear I head to the office to try to make some money even though I'm not supposed to trade until my mind is in perfect condition I decide to anyway I have a little over 50k in this trading account and I've been nearing millionaire status for awhile with all my diversified assets.

I can buy pretty much whatever I want whenever I want within reason but for some reason I still feel empty, like I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I'm charting up Apple Stock and EUR/USD apple is looking like the easiest call of my life, I open up webull and place a contract for 10,000 share call. I close that out and go over to EUR/USD things are looking like a buy here as well so I enter that .

I close the tabs and set my alerts in case anything goes wrong but I'm not really worried. I exit the office and prepare myself some breakfast. I make myself a smoothie since I've decided I'm going to stop eating all forms of meat. I don't want to get any bigger than I already am and I might consider slimming down. I blend the fruit up with some coconut water and head back upstairs to do some cardio.

I plug some headphones in and hop on my treadmill. I run for about 30 minutes and I can't seem to think about anything. I start to look forward to tonight a bit, maybe I'll meet some new people. I hop off the treadmill and I open my two applications on my phone to see how my positions are doing. I look down and I grin I screenshot my profits and instantly open instagram, this is one for the books. I caption it "guess I'm buying a yacht" I just made 892,000$ in 30 minutes. It's not real just yet though I still have to wait 3 business days before I see the money in my account.

I humor the thought of me buying a yacht and I go online to look around. I see a few different ones that I like and instantly decide I need to step up my advertising to push more sales to my website. I've finished a video course for how to successfully trade financial instruments but I haven't really cared to try to sell it. I reach out to the sales agent to request some more information and get a quote as to how much I can expect to spend on a yacht and wait for a reply within the next few days. I get quite a bit of buzz on Instagram and decide to setup an Ad campaign soon.

My friends message me asking if the post I made was real and I tell them I might be buying a yacht soon and we're going to be taking trips soon. My apple position did very well but since stocks aren't as leveraged you can never expect as big returns as you can with currency pairs. I set my phone down and go take a shower.

2am (Billie eilish bxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon