Mistakes were made

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A/N: Hello, I'm back for now I wanted to give you something but I also haven't finished this yet and I originally planned to, this one is shorter than the rest but something is better than nothing anyway I think I'm going to delete this whole thing 😁

Adam: last night as nice dawg I missed you hope you're doing well, lets do it again sometime then you can go see ally again :)

I read this and I sigh this is Forsure not how I imagined things going

shut up, but yeah well link again soon

I replied and shut my phone off next I head to my gym and set up some music on the speaker after i'm done with that I remember that i'm supposed to go out on a date today with Billie my mood slightly  improves as I go to shower. what are we gonna do today. I think to myself im slightly hungover but not enough for it to be a problem or cancel plans. I exit my shower and get dressed.

good morning shorty 

I message her and wait for a reply, as I walk downstairs I see my cat sometimes I forget shes around, she follows me into my office and jumps up onto my desk

hello kitty how are you

I pet my cat as I turn on the computer and go about my regular routine being broke as a kid sometimes gives me scarcity mindset and I feel like I have to make money everyday or i'm going to go broke when realistically i'm doing much better than ev...

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I pet my cat as I turn on the computer and go about my regular routine being broke as a kid sometimes gives me scarcity mindset and I feel like I have to make money everyday or i'm going to go broke when realistically i'm doing much better than everyone around me and am probably very close to retiring. 

I look at a few different charts and things look mostly clear although I have a feeling these are going to be some swing trades meaning ill have to hold them for a day or two and wait to get some money but its more than okay I try to tell myself at least

I look at a few different charts and things look mostly clear although I have a feeling these are going to be some swing trades meaning ill have to hold them for a day or two and wait to get some money but its more than okay I try to tell myself a...

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I suddenly hear my phone vibrate and I turn it over to see what it was to my surprise it was her

Hi y/n I missed you

Lets meet up later?

Of course

Cool, I want to go to this art museum exhibit that they just opened it won't be here for too long, care to join me?

Wow, that's really interesting yeah I'm down
What time?


Okay perfect I'll see you soon?

Yes I'll be on my way a little earlier than 4 so we can get there on time

Do you think about me?

Woah, I wonder what she means by this of course I think about her I think it might be too soon to tell but I might actually be in love again, and I didn't really think that was ever going to be possible after what she did but right now I don't really care It'll be worth it all over again I'm sure.

Only all the time

I want you

I read this message and turn my phone over in a panic I calm myself down and flip it back over to reply
I'm not sure what's an appropriate way to respond so I guess I'll just be very vague and see what happens

Hopefully soon we'll be where we both want to be

She hearted the message but didn't reply I don't know if I upset her maybe I need to start being more direct, maybe we should just do it already? Even though I told her I wanted it to be done right she doesn't seem to want to wait and it is her choice after all so tonight I think I'm going to give her what she wants
I feel wrong doing it but I'm going to double text her

Bring a bag for tonight I want you to stay with me

Okay y/n
pick a color

What do I need to pick a color for? I wonder to myself I secretly know there's no point in asking since she's just going to keep it a secret anyway

Let's do white

Perfect,   I have to go but I'll message you soon

                          No problem do what you need to do I'll be on my way around 4

And with that I close my phone and sigh out loud, I'm so Nervous I'm fucking everything up and I don't want to lose her, this is the first time I've felt this way since her I just pray it all goes right

2am (Billie eilish bxg)Where stories live. Discover now