Hurricane Iris

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(A/N last boring chapter I promise again I feel like I have to set the scene read till the end and you won't be disappointed I promise :)

Not long after we park the car and get out. Everyone is dressed rather similarly so I don't feel as anxious our out of place anymore.

"This is finna be so sick" Adam says as he's stuffing his keys in his pocket.

"Yeah I'm hype to see what it's like it's opening night too so it's gonna be crazy" Steve says leading the way walking the quickest out of all of us.

"Is there a cover or what I didn't bring any paper money" I ask forgetting to bring my wallet.

"Nah I told you baby we got VIP"- Adam says shaking me getting hype.

"Bet let's do this then" I confirm as we reach the line to go in

A stereotypical bouncer is at the door checking IDs and occasionally turning people away. He looks up and sees us and waves us over. We cut the line and he lets us in very quickly.

"Enjoy your night" he says as he opens the door for us

"Thank you" we all reply in unison.
As soon as we walk in it's foggy and there's loud music LEDs are going off everywhere and as soon as we get to the end of the hall it lets out onto the dance floor which is pretty large.

I notice a DJ in the middle of the floor and large speakers surrounding the room. Everyone looks like they're having a good time and there's a nice vibe I can't deny it. Surrounding the entire room is a long bar that wraps around the room which I've never seen before. And of course there's specific sections which are guarded by more stereotypical bouncers.

"We're going up there"- Josh says pointing to the corner of the room where there's a staircase

"Word" is all I respond with and follow behind him.
I move through the room following the path my friends gave since cleared when we get to the top it's a completely different feeling. It's much softer up here and surprisingly quite. The music sounds muffled as if we're in the bathroom. There's also a private bar up here and I assume this is mostly for business clients and people throwing parties to make money.

"Our tables that one" Steve says while pointing to a booth in the corner

"Looks fire let's go sit down" I reply following behind Adam and Josh

We have a seat and right away a waitress comes and asks us what we'd like to drink.

Everyone places their order and I simply ask for a vodka cranberry and a side of lemon cucumber water. I hadn't been out in awhile and I didn't want to bother everyone by not knowing my drink order so I went with the old reliable.

"This is so sick" Adam says

"Yeah we did good no cap" Steve replied to him

"I can't believe we pulled it off" Josh says admiring the place as he looks around.

"Yeah it looks fire, I'm still surprised that's it's quite. Feels a lot more intimate up here." It almost feels like somewhere you would take someone on a first date. I say then keep the last part to myself. I don't want to seem soft.

"It almost didn't happen but we're the greatest team the vision was clear you know" Adam replies relishing his accomplishment

"I'm proud you pulled it off my dawg if anyone can it certainly would've been y'all" I say smiling at all my friends

"Appreciate that for sure" they all say in unison.
As if on cue our drinks get here and the waitress sets them down on each of our sides as we ordered them.

"Gentlemen I'd like to propose a toast." Adam says holding up his drink

We then proceed to hold our drinks up as well

"To friendships, to success, to good relationships, to health, and to wealth more blessings our way" he finishes

we all say and clink our glasses spilling a little over the sides. We down our drinks and order another round. I begin to work on my water. I mix the fruits in and stir it around so the flavors diffuse. Taking slow long sips to really enjoy it. We get our second round and take those a bit slower.

"Should we go downstairs or what" Adam asks us looking toward the staircase

"Fuck it" says Steve as he sets his drink down

"Yeah why not" Josh agrees setting his drink down as well.

"Bet I'm down" I set my drink down and take a last sip of water.

Adam walks over to the bartender and speaks with him. I'm too far away to hear what they're talking about but I'm not worried. I see him slide him a 100$ bill which I thought was strange but brushed it off and assumed he was just a generous tipper tonight.

He heads back to group and we head downstairs.
Walking down the stairs we make our way over to the bar and order some more drinks. The bartender gets them to us as quick as he can and we thank him. The boys have since slammed their drinks but I decide to steadily sip mine while I review my new website. They make their way out to the floor and start talking to various different girls. That's not what I came for so I'm chillin at the bar. I message my website developer to let him know I'm pleased with the way it turned out. He says to let him know if I need anything else and I close my phone

"I thought I'd never see you again"

Wait, no way. No, this isn't happening. What're the chances, like next to zero there's no way that's who I think it is.

I take another sip of my drink close my eyes and set my drink down attempting to mentally prepare to deal with this predicament I have somehow gotten myself in.

"Well here I am" I reply dryly not needing to turn to know Iris is sitting next to me.

"You look good. Congratulations."

"Congratulations on what" I ask still with the same dry tone.

"I saw your story, you're doing exactly what you said you would"

"Thanks I guess, I'm surprised you remembered."

"You know I actually cared about you"

"Yeah forsure you did" I say sarcastically. I'm gonna need another drink I'm glad she's being civil at least.

"Can I get another one of these and one of whatever she's having please." I might as well be a gentleman I'm not really the one to end relationships on bad terms. Energy is a big thing in my experience so it's best to let it go.

"I'll have a passion fruit martini please and thank you"

I have since turned to face her and she turns to look at me after thanking the bartender.

"Thank you for that"

"No issue" I say almost under my breath

"Are you still upset"

"No I just never understood why, but it's okay, life goes on. I'm 100% over it"

"I'm sorry"

"Sorry doesn't fix it" I pause thinking about what to say next

"But I appreciate it" I add after taking another sip.

"Can I have your number?" She says and reaches for my hand

She takes it and holds it in hers and gives me puppy dog eyes.

God I remember those all too well. Maybe if I got richer quicker I could've had her.

"For what, we don't really have anything to talk about"
I continue sipping my drink paying no mind to her scanning the different bottles on display.

"We can find something. I miss what we had sometimes"

Now I'm mad. I sigh audibly and turn my head the other way for a second.

"We're different people now. We can never have what we did before."

"You don't know that we can try again, we should try again" she sounds desperate.

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