The invite

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"Marinette, there's a letter for you. Ifs from your favorite fashion designer." Said someone below her.

"Coming mom!" Shouted Marinette sitting up so fast it scared Alya awake.

"What's happening?! Am I missing the scoop?!" Shouted Alya sleepily.

"Haha, no I'll be right back" replied Marinette getting down from her bed and heading downstairs to her living room.
As she made it down the stairs she noticed someone was yelling again.

"She doesn't need to go on a cruise! She's not allowed! After her being sent home!" Shouted a male voice.
Her dad was yelling again. But at who?

"She turns 18 in a few days! This trip is on her birthday! I'm letting her go!" Shouted a female voice.
Her mom!

"Mom? Dad? What's with all the yelling?" Asked Marinette pretending she didn't hear anything.

"Oh hurry take this letter amd lock your room hatch! Now!" Pushed her mom handing her the letter and pushing her back to the stairscase.
"No time to ask questions. Just go!"

"Ok, ok I will. Love you mom." Marinette said while walking up the stairs.

"Ooo! What do you have there?" Asked Alya pulling out her phone.

"Nothing - I mean I don't know." Replied Marinette.  "Mom just handed it to me and pushed me back up the stairs- what are you doing?" She asked taking a sneak peek at Alya's phone.
"Really?" Marinette asked. Then she read what was on her screen in a weird voice, "'oh my! Please keep going! I-'" Marinette was stopped as Alya put her hand on top of Marinette's mouth. Marinette pushed it off.
"Hey, that was rude! Besides, you should be lucky I didn't read the next part. Jeez! I didn't know you liked that kind of stuff."

"Oh please. I've seen your phone, this happens to be the first story I've read that I saw on your reading list." Replied Alya.

'Shoot! She's right!' Marinette thought. 'I really liked that book. How did she figure it out?!'

"Anyways open the letter! I'll record and post it on my website." Said Alya turning on her camera.

"Um ok." Replied Marinette opening the letter.
"The letter says, 'You have been invited to go on a cruise July 9th. Only people the age +16 are aloud to go. This cruise is to try and get everyone a girlfriend/boyfriend. Thus, you must be 16 and above. In this invitation you are given 3 tickets. One for you and 2 people of your chosing.

Ps. Your roommate is Adrian Agreste. You will be buddies the whole time. You must do everything thing with him. You cannot go anywhere with him either coming with or knowing about it. Have a nice day


Gabriel Agreste.'

What?! Who even is he?! And I have I spend time with him? What will Luka think?! I mean we're not dating but now Luka will think that I just like all pretty boys or I'm a freaking gold digger! But wait! It's the son of my favorite fashion designer! Maybe I could get him to have his dad hire me! Or at least help me! This is a great plan!"

"Wow girl. Your all over the place. But who you gonna invite? Me and Nino are already invited." Replied Alya.

"Hmmm. I don't know. Maybe Rose and Julica?" Thought Marinette.

"Yes! That's perfect. Invite them! Also I'll bring you a gift! We could all come into your dorm and have a mini party!" Replied Alya.

"But there definitely won't be enough room! 6 people in one room! That's insane!" Cried Marinette.

"Well on the back of the letter it says that you'll have the biggest room. It'll have a master bedroom, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a balcony looking out to the sea. You'll be fine. We'll throw a small part for just the 6 of us. I hope there's a bakery." Replied Alya

"WHAT? THAT BIG?!"  Shouted Marinette

Now to Adrian

"I hope she'll come. I made sure we got the biggest room. It also happens to be her birthday. I'm not a stalker Natalie, I heard her and someone else shouting and heard someone say that it was Mari's birthday." Said Adrian to Natalie.

"Wow. Hmm, well what are you going to get her?" She asked

"Well, I know she what's to be a fashion designer and she's a huge fan of my dad so I might get her something from him. Maybe a jacket or hoodie. Could you do that with her signature flower on it?" He asked Natalie with puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do." She replied.
"But for now, it's best you get some rest. You'll need to start packing for the trip." And with that Natalie walk out of his room.

"Man I Love her. She might not know me but man do I know her. I hope she's ok with having to sleep in the same bed as me. Man if everything goes right we'll be together after the cruise! Adrian thought to himself.
He didn't have much time to continue imagining stuff because he soon fell asleep.

Hope you enjoyed this part. It took a little while to figure out what to write. Anyways next part might come soon or later. We'll see!

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